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- About Us
- Alistair Begg
- Contact Us
- Contents
- Insights
- Affliction, our attitude during
- Affliction, some reasons why we have them
- Age, can we become too old to serve God?
- Alcohol, is it wrong to drink it?
- Anger, don't keep it
- Anger, how to control it and why
- Anxiety, what to do with it
- Approval, our search for it
- Athletics and the Bible
- Attitude, at work
- Authority, when commanded to be silent on the Gospel
- Authority, when disobedience is OK
- Bible study, why is it important?
- Bible study, why should we choose church leadership that is in the Word?
- Biblical interpretations, the risk of misinterpretation
- Biblical interpretations, when they appear wrong
- Biblical interpretations, when they are challenged
- Boasting, is it wrong?
- Bottom line, how do we really please God?
- Christ, who is He?
- Christian, how do you make sure you are?
- Christian, how to become one
- Circumstances, good and bad
- Death, fear of
- Death, it is the destiny of mankind
- Decisions, a source for information
- Decisions, stepping out in faith
- Delegate authority, how to
- Discipleship, the Christian action plan
- Disfavor, falling out with God
- Elderly, a promise from God
- Election, God's greatest gift
- Evangelists, testing their motives
- Faith, part of pleasing God
- Faith, what is it?
- Faith, where it comes from?
- Family, providing for them
- Fear, of witnessing to others
- Forgiveness, of others who do us harm
- Forgiving a sinner
- Friends, choosing them
- Goals, after accepting Christ
- Goals, as set against God's desires
- Goals, setting them realistically
- God, how He speaks to us
- God, why don't we understand all He does?
- God's Word
- Gospel, why some do not respond to its message
- Growth, how does a Christian learn?
- Grudge, holding one
- Happiness, for the youth
- Hardships, why do bad things happen to good people?
- Hardships, why they are given to us?
- Heaven, what is it like?
- Hell, what is it like?
- Help, from God directly
- Helping others
- Holy Spirit, His role in the life of an unbeliever
- Honesty in business dealings
- Injustice, how to fight against it
- Integrity, an act of power or an act of weakness?
- Integrity, what is it?
- Leaders, how to lead
- Leaders, to obey them
- Life, when does it begin?
- Marriage, what is it?
- Meetings, how to hold them
- Minds, patterning our thoughts for a Christian life
- Mourning, after a loss
- Non-Christians, how to treat them
- Obligations, paying them
- Obstacles, finding a way to overcome them
- Patience, waiting for the Lord's answer
- Perfection
- Perseverance, shedding the encumbrances for more energy
- Placing your faith in Jesus, What does it mean?
- Planning, man versus God
- Planning, what should establish the objective
- Possessions, their value at judgment
- Prayers, does God ever forget them?
- Prayers, when they are not answered
- Prayers, why they may not be answered
- Preaching, for the wrong motives
- Priorities, balancing God's and those in life
- Problems, how to correct a bad situation
- Prosperity, how to obtain it
- Purpose, why were men and women created?
- Quiet, how God provides this to us
- Quiet, taking time for rest
- Responsibilities, for those who are strong in the knowledge of the Word
- Results, what if our witnessing fails to bring people to Christ
- Reward, how to claim it for our good works
- Sacrifice, of worldly things for Christ
- Sacrifice, what is the purpose?
- Self, can man generate his own power?
- Sharing credit with others
- Sin, are we responsible if we don't know its a sin?
- Sin, why we should get rid of it as soon as possible
- Skills, using what we are given
- Speaking skills, a biblical perspective
- Standards, what should man use
- Temptation, is it a sin?
- Trust, where to place it
- Trust, why place it in Christ?
- Wealth, how to keep it
- Wealth, its source
- Wealth, obtaining satisfaction
- What is Salvation?
- Wisdom, being fit to receive God's help
- Wisdom, can man be wise without God's help?
- Wisdom, listening with your heart
- Wisdom, where to find it
- Work ethic
- Work, is it OK to enjoy?
- Work, purpose of it
- Work, worship of it
- Abstaining, when directed by spiritual leaders
- Accountability, to whom?
- Accountability, why?
- Achievement, how to obtain it
- Achievement, when it is accomplished apart from God
- Achievement, when it is too high?
- Adversity, why we should keep our faith
- Advice, should we seek it?
- Advice, where to find it
- Passions
- Patriot Camp
- One Nation Under God
- Raising the Next Generation to Believe in God
- The Virtue of Charity
- The Virtue of Faith
- The Virtue of Hope
- The Virtue of Honesty
- The Virtue of Reverence
- The Virtue of Thrift
- The Virtue of Humility
- The Virtue of Sincerity
- The Virtue of Moderation
- The Virtue of Hard Work
- The Virtue of Courage
- The Virtue of Personal Responsibility
- The Virtue of Gratitude
- The Virtue of Love
- Program Implementation Ideas
- Mechanics
- The Roots of Freedom
- The Colonies Before the Revolution
- The American Revolution
- The War
- Formation of a Government
- US Constitution
- The Bill of Rights
- Citizenship
- One Nation Under God
- Patriots
- Photo Gallery
- Protests
- Sermons
- A Song from Our Savior
- Bridging the Gap
- Celebrating Our Heritage at Pine Castle Pioneer Days
- Common Sense is Not So Common
- Did Jesus Camp With Us at Alafia This Year?
- Freedom is Never Free
- Fruits of the Vine
- It's All About Love
- Setting the Record Straight Sermon
- The Gifts of History
- The Horn
- The Lantern
- The Lantern Revisited
- The Story of Amos
- What Is A Patriot?
- Why Was It First?
- Patriot Camp
- Poetry
- A Bright New World
- A Psalm of Life
- An Epitaph
- And God Said "No!"
- Battle Hymn of the Republic
- Christ Has No Hands but Our Hands
- Count That Day Lost
- Epitaph
- Excerp From Paradise Lost
- Failure It's only a word
- Freedom
- God's Garden Must Be Beautiful
- I Am Free
- I Come in the Little Things
- I Stand By The Door
- If
- It's Up To You
- Knowing
- Lubeck Cathedral
- Out In The Fields With God
- Pity the Nation
- Present Tense
- Reliance
- Righteous Wrath
- Self-Confidence
- Success
- The Bridge Builder
- The Cold Within
- The Divine Image
- The Dying Christian to His Soul
- The Eternal Goodness
- The Hiding Place
- The Parting Glass (Traditional)
- The Path
- The Road Not Taken
- The Ship
- The Star-Spangled Banner
- The Touch of the Master's Hand
- The Victor
- Tis a Fearful Thing
- To All Parents
- Watch
- We Wear the Mask
- When Jesus Came to Birmingham
- Who Am I?
- William's Psalm
- Wings
- Worry
- Write It On Your Heart
- Promises
- Shadows
- A Closer Look at Equipping Disciples of Christ
- A Few Good People Needed
- A Peak At Proverbs
- A Thankful Response
- A Young Man Named Titus
- And the World Spins On and On
- Anger versus Hatred, what is the Difference?
- Are we getting any smarter?
- Are We There Yet?
- Are you a “Leftist” or a “Rightist?”
- Are You Half Empty or Half Full?
- Being Judgmental
- Beware of Crowd Mentality
- Bias
- Bribery, Alive and Well in Our World Today
- Can We Ever Agree on Anything?
- Can You See Them?
- Can You Spot It When You See It?
- Can you tell the difference between an Opponent and an Enemy?
- Censorship and Freedom of Speech - What Does the Bible Say?
- Choosing to Live by God's Words
- Common Sense – Revered but Often in Short Supply
- Coram Deo
- Could this be the problem?
- Culture and Values, Does God Care, Does God Punish Sin?
- Deborah
- Discovering Jesus: A Journey of Faith
- Divida et Impera
- Do Rituals Lead Us to Righteousness?
- Do Values Matter Anymore?
- Do We Give Them Enough Credit?
- Do we have a New Existential Threat for our Nation?
- Do You Care?
- Do You Know Ehud?
- Do You Know What the Leviathan is?
- Does Equity Lead to Equality?
- Does Faith Have Power?
- Does God Ever Give Up on a Nation?
- Does God Ever Lose Patience with His People?
- Does the end justify the means?
- Doubt - Faith's Greatest Enemy
- Drinking from Christ’s Cup
- Echoes from Lubeck Cathedral
- Empty, Alive!
- Entitlements, Is This What God Wants For Us?
- Esne Complicatus?
- Eternity was, is, and ever shall be!
- Four R’s to Compromise
- Gaslighting - Now Playing in a Theater Near You!
- Getting to Know God Better
- God's Tips on Voting
- God’s Advice on Good Citizenship
- God’s Big Five!
- God’s Contract with the World
- God’s Timing, A Beautiful Thing to Behold!
- Has the World Gone Mad?
- Have We Missed the Real Point!
- Have you ever been up a tree - Revisited?
- Have You Ever Heard a Sermon about the “Song of Songs?”
- Have You Heard of Esther?
- Have You Thought About Eternity?
- He Has Risen!
- Heh, Things are Terrible, What Now?
- His life is our Law!
- How to Be a Survivor
- I am Who I am!
- Immigration and the Bible
- Inflation, Does God Offer Us Any Answers?
- Is Anything Sacred Anymore?
- Is It All About Compromise?
- Is Jesus Woke?
- Is Justice This Simple?
- Is Our Freedom Slipping Away?
- Is the Bible Really God’s Word?
- Is the Resurrection of Jesus True?
- Is there a problem with our news today?
- Is there such a thing as overconfidence?
- It Seems the World has been Here Before
- It's All About the Verbs
- Just a Baby?
- Just Look to God for Answers
- Laodicea
- Leaving an Impression on our World
- Lessons from the Book of Judges
- Let Your Yes Be Yes
- Living with Purpose: Cultivating Hope and Contentment in a Chaotic World
- Lord and Savior
- My Way or the Highway!
- Names & Character of God
- National Debt, National Shame?
- Part Four: Who was Nehemiah?
- Part One: What was the Babylonian exile all about?
- Part Three: Who was Ezra?
- Part Two: Who was Zerubbabel?
- Picking Good Leaders - What Does God Say?
- Psalm 35
- Reading Between the Lines
- Ready for a Wild Ride?
- Ready for Next Year?
- Reason and Revelation: The Secret Sauce of a Christlike Life
- Resolutions for 2025
- Resolve to be More Hope-Filled
- Resolve to Bounce Back from Setbacks and Disappointments
- Resolve to Find Your Purpose
- Restorative Justice
- Satan, Getting to Know Him!
- Selling out of a Nation
- Sin and Sacrifice
- Skills, intelligence, and wisdom – What does God say about each?
- So What's the Plan?
- Some Good Advice from God!
- Standing by the Door
- Surviving in a Crazy World!
- Surviving when Evil is in Charge
- Tears of a Father
- Thanks to the Shepherds of the World
- The 3 C’s and Maybe a Fourth
- The Antichrist – Is He Real?
- The Apple Never Falls Far from the Tree
- The Assent into the City
- The Cornerstone and the Capstone and Our World In-between
- The Crown of Thorns
- The difference between Good and Evil – Can we tell the difference anymore?
- The Eyes Have It
- The Four Woes of Isaiah!
- The Gap Years
- The Gibeonite Deception
- The Hope of Imago Dei
- The Importance of Being First
- The Israelites’ 40-Year Lesson in Trust and Obedience
- The Link Between Consequences and Restorative Justice
- The Morning After
- The Old Testament G.O.A.T.
- The Prophets of the Old Testament
- The Pursuit of Happiness or Should It Be Joy?
- The Really Big Question
- The Relevance of the Old and New Testaments
- The Roots of Fear
- The Roots of Hatred
- The sayings of Agur son of Jakeh
- The Sheep and the Goats – Politics of Religion
- The Simple Parable
- The Ultimate Gift
- The Warning!
- The World In God’s Hands (Revisited)
- Threats to Religion
- Three Guesses and the First Two Don’t Count
- Titus' Siege of Jerusalem
- To Bear False Witness
- Turning Anxiety Off
- Understanding History’s First Murder
- Understanding the Parable of the Good Samaritan
- What does God Say about Choosing Leaders?
- What does it mean to be exiled by God?
- What does it mean to turn one’s life over to Jesus?
- What does it Take to Discern God’s Will?
- What exactly is free will?
- What Exactly is Idolatry?
- What happened to the Absolute Truths in our world?
- What if your enemies cannot be redeemed?
- What is God’s Truth?
- What is Secular Globalism?
- What is Sin? A.I. thinks it just a Concept!
- What is this thing called faith that saves us?
- What was History's First Lie?
- What were the "Last Words of Advice from God!"
- What’s your exit plan?
- When both sides of a binary world are broken, choose not of this world!
- When did you first exist?
- When Disappointment Comes
- Where do Personal Values Come From?
- Where does the idea of SIN come from?
- Who was Ahab?
- Who Were God’s Prophets?
- Who were the Samaritans?
- Who Will You Believe?
- Who's In Charge Anyway?
- Whose Job is it Anyway?
- Why are Christians Persecuted Around the World?
- Why did Jesus Kill the Fig Tree? Or Do You Even Care?
- Why do we exist?
- Why is God Silent?
- Why the Anger?
- Why the Silence?
- Woe to the Children of Our World
- Work, is it a Curse or Blessing?
- Would God prefer a democracy or a constitutional republic for our nation?
- You Heard It On The Grapevine So It Must Be True!
- Elijah
- Elisha
- Joel
- Who was Jonah?
- Amos the Prophet for Adults
- Hosea
- Isaiah
- Micah
- Nahum
- Zephaniah
- Jeremiah
- Habakkuk
- The Story of Daniel
- Ezekiel
- Have you ever met Obadiah?
- Let Me Introduce You to Haggai
- Zechariah
- Who was Malachi?
- Is Our Nation Dying?
- Snapshots
- A Balanced Life
- A Caring Friend
- A Cluttered Desk-Mind
- A Content Life (A Mother's Day Recipe)
- A Crown of Beauty
- A Father’s Heart
- A Feast In Exile
- A Funny Thing Happened to the Word...
- A Good Judge of Character
- A Lifetime Guarantee
- A Little Help From Your Friends
- A Living Daring Confidence
- A Long Chain of Faith
- A Makeover By Jesus
- A Matter of Death and Life
- A More Excellent Way
- A Noel Celebration
- A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words – Jesus Prayed
- A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words – Jesus Wept
- A Plan For Greater Works
- A Ride Inside a Spinning Bubble
- A Scream in the Dark or a Call to Follow
- A Second Touch
- A Small Piece of Paper
- A Sunday for the Women
- A Tail from the Trail
- A Thanksgiving Frame of Mind
- Abiding In Christ
- Accepted Everywhere
- Affirming What We Believe – Blessed Trinity
- Affirming What We Believe – Christ Victorious
- Affirming What We Believe – Creator of the Rolling Spheres
- Afraid of Giants
- All for One and One for All
- All People that on Earth do Dwell
- All Things Being Equal
- All Work and No Play
- Among Taller Trees
- Amongst Yourselves
- An Attitude of Gratitude
- An Overflowing Heart
- And Heeeeer's Johnie
- And So I Choose
- And the Greatest of These is Love
- And The Walls Came Tumbling Down
- And There You Have It
- Angels of Peace
- Appointment To Leadership
- Are You A Person Of Sacrifice?
- As Children of the Light
- As Easy As ONE, TWO, THREE
- Barnabas Rallies Round
- Be Prepared to Take the Helm
- Being and Believing
- Best Friends
- Biblical Directory for Snapshot Studies
- Biding Our Time
- Blameless Before the Lord
- Blessed Is The Mother Who Gave You Birth
- Bound
- Bridge or Barrier
- Bringing Up Baby!
- Bringing You To God
- Broken Bread, Eyes Opening
- But, I didn’t do anything!
- Cain: In Cold Blood
- Can’t Keep Quiet
- Celebrate the Journey
- Change of Heart
- Charged Up
- Christians Transforming the Culture
- Citizens of Heaven
- Come Saturday Morning
- Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus
- Creator God – Creating Still
- Crossroads
- Dealing With Frustration
- Despots and Dictators
- Did You Call Me?
- Did You See That?! - A Miracle of Jesus
- Did You See That?! - The First Miracle of Jesus
- Did You See That?! - The Miracle of Sight
- Do Not Be Alarmed (Yeah Right!)
- Do You Truly Love Me?
- Do You Want The Faith Of Christ To Grow?
- Does This Offend You?
- Doing My Part
- Doing What He Tells Us
- Don’t Let The Sun Go Down
- Emmanuel – God With Us
- Emmanuel Has Come
- Encouraging One Another
- Environment–The Way We Live Now
- Epilogue: Now What?
- Even More on the Prodigal Son
- Even Wind and Sea Obey
- Exit Laughing
- Extending The Gifts The Spirit Gives You
- Faith Before the World
- Families
- Family Affair ~ The Prodigal Son
- Famous Last Words
- Famous Last Words
- Fear, Hear, See, Speak, Be the Good
- Fight the Good Fight
- Fill Us With Your Love
- Filled with All Good Things
- Filler Up
- Finding the Gifts the Spirit Gives You
- First Thanks, Then Giving
- Flourishing
- Focusing On God
- Food For Thought – Food For Life
- Footprints
- For Our Benefit
- For the Good of the Cause
- Forward In Faith
- Founded On The Rock
- Free To Value Others
- Freedom Isn’t Free
- From These Stones
- Fruitful Work
- Fulfilling All Righteousness
- Getting To Know You
- Gifted Women
- Give Thanks With A Grateful Heart
- Giving It All Away
- Giving Our Best
- Giving Rules
- Glimpses of Truth
- Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken
- Go On
- Go, Love, Serve
- God Knows Us - God Calls Us
- God’s Faithfulness to All Generations
- God’s Gift of Grace
- God’s Plans Are Greater Than Our Plans
- God’s Word from the Porch
- Going Beyond
- Going On A Piece
- Growing and Reaching
- Hand-Me-Downs
- Handling Stress Without Strain
- Happily She Never Cared Much For Fame
- Happiness Is....
- Harvest Time
- Has No One Condemned You?
- He Knew He Was Right
- He's Lord of All
- Heal Us!
- Hearing the Word is Not Enough
- Hello My Name Is …
- His Dream, It Was Impossible but not to God
- His Reach is Wide and His Touch is Masterly
- His Utmost!
- Hit Us Again, Lord
- Holy Impossible
- Home Sweet Home: Home Beautiful
- Home Sweet Home: Homework
- Home Sweet Home: The Steadfast Home
- Home Sweet Home: There is No Place Like Home
- Hoping Against Hope
- How to Be a Christian in Four Easy Steps
- I Am Baptized
- I Doubt It
- I Have Fought The Good Fight
- If I Knew Then What I Know Now
- If You Forgive People Enough
- If You've Ever Been Up A Tree
- Imagine the Gift of Forever
- Impartiality
- In the Beginning, Yes!
- In the Flesh, Yes
- In the Heart, Yes!
- In the S-P-I-R-I-T
- In The S-P-I-R-I-T
- In This is Love
- Inspire Us!
- Interpersonal Relationships: How Wonderful It Would Be
- Is It Worth It?
- Is Your Jar Empty or Full?
- It is Better to Receive than to Give
- It Was A Perfect Act!
- It’s Easy Once You Know The Secret
- Jesus Heals, Prays, and Proclaims the Good News
- Jesus is Playing with Us
- Jesus on a Mountainside in Galilee
- Jesus, the Hinge of History
- Just As We Expected
- Just Do Your Best
- Keep On Digging
- Knowing Who and Whose We Are
- Lament and Praise
- Lasting Friendships in Unlikely Places
- Launch Out Into The Deep
- Lead Us Not Into Temptation
- Leading With Love
- Led By The Spirit
- Let Heaven and Nature Sing Gloria
- Let Your Light Shine
- Life Is In The Narrative
- Light Has Come Into The World
- Little Lamb, Who Made Thee?
- Living in Harmony
- Living Light
- Lord – Make Us Rich
- Lost and Found
- Lost Then Found
- Loudly Let the Trumpets Blare!
- Love and Loyalty
- Love, Love, Love, Love, Love
- Magnetic
- Making a Big Splash
- Making the Gospel Our Own
- Meeting At the Golden Gate
- Messiah’s Star
- More on Fighting the Good Fight
- More on the Prodigal Son
- Mustard Seed Faith
- New Gifts
- No Hands and Feet But Ours
- No Shortcuts
- O Perfect Love
- Of Gadgets and Glitches
- Of Grace and Gratitude
- On Being Lifted Up
- On Buying into the Future
- On The Rise
- On The Way
- On The Windy Side of Care
- Our God of Surprises!
- Our God Who Gives, and Gives, and Gives
- Our Guide to the Truth!
- Our Quest for Hope
- Out With the Old, In With the New
- Outening the Light
- Outlook Lookout
- Overcoming Trouble
- Palm Sunday
- Panoramic Prospects
- Partnering In The Journey
- Peace and Hope Courtesy of the Reformation
- Peace Be Still
- Peace of Cake
- Peek-a-boo, I See You
- Perfect Love Always Succeeded
- Perfect Love is Everything
- Perfect Love Never Ends
- Plea for Expanded Ministries
- Pointing Beyond Ourselves
- Porters, Redcaps and Bellhops
- Praying the Psalms
- Prefer the Possible
- Present Imperfect
- Promise Fulfilled
- Promise or Performance?
- Raised and Waiting
- Real Love is From God
- Receive The Spirit
- Receptive to God’s Will
- Reconciliation
- Rocky Would Have Made Them Take The Stairs
- Salty Christians
- Scattered Moments of Surprising Grace
- Searching
- See Him As He Is
- Ships at a Distance
- Show Us!
- Side by Side
- Silver from the Spirit
- Sincerest Sympathy
- Singing the Same Old Songs
- So Little With So Much
- Sofa Diving?
- Soul Food
- Standing in the Living Present!
- Standing on the Promise
- Starry Night
- Start Shining
- Stirring Things Up
- Stormy Weather
- Sweet Chariots of Fire!
- Take Thou Our Hearts Dear Lord!
- Talk of the Towns
- Tell Us!
- Telling the Story
- Temptations
- Thanks A Million
- Thanksgiving Day Prayers
- That Thing We Do
- That's Dancing
- That’s Quite the Family you have there!
- The "Look" of Faith
- The “Presents” of Christ
- The 5 Life Attitudes that Begin with the Letter F
- The Afterglow of Christmas
- The Anointed One(s)
- The Best of All Possible News
- The Best of Gifts – The Worst of Times
- The Birth of Freedom
- The Book of Books
- The Bread of Life
- The Choice Is Yours
- The Christmas Cantata
- The Courage to be Yourself
- The Exact Imprint of God
- The Family of God
- The First Objections
- The Folly of God
- The Forerunner
- The Grace of God Has No Boundries
- The Great Awakening
- The Great I Am Part I
- The Great I Am Part II
- The Great I Am Part III
- The Great Omission
- The Greatest Moment in History
- The Healing Touch
- The Highest Form of Knowledge
- The Inevitable Christ
- The Jumping Off Place
- The Message of the Magi
- The One Who Is Sent
- The Only Person Able to Solve the Problem
- The Parables of Jesus – I will be Victorious
- The Parables of Jesus – Size Does Matter
- The Parables of Jesus – The First Shall Be Last
- The Parables of Jesus – Whatever It Takes
- The Peace of Jesus
- The People You Thought You Knew – Abraham & Sarah
- The People You Thought You Knew – Adam & Eve
- The People You Thought You Knew – Jacob
- The Person of Jesus
- The Pool of Memory
- The Power of Hope
- The Power of Jesus
- The Power of Light
- The Power of Prayer
- The Praise of Jesus
- The Progress of Religion
- The Promise of Jesus
- The Prophetic Voice
- The Real Miracle
- The Savior of the World
- The Sequel That Improves On the Original
- The Shadow of the Cross
- The Shirts Off Our Backs
- The Small House At Nain
- The Spirit and Love
- The Spirit Jesus Promised
- The Spirit Of Truth
- The Star Still Shines
- The Story of Sheperds
- The Story of the Shepherd’s Fields
- The Story of the Stable
- The Stranger
- The Strengthening Angel
- The Testing Ground
- The Threefold Purpose
- The Transforming Power of God
- The Triumph of Humility
- The True Vine
- The Untamable Tongue
- The Usual Suspect
- The Value of Service
- The Week That Was
- The Whole World Has Gone After Him
- The Wind Beneath Our Wings
- The Woman Was Fearless
- The World In God's Hands
- There is a Big Difference Between Knowing and Doing
- There is a WAIT on My Shoulders
- They Met Jesus - John the Baptist
- They Met Jesus: Andrew
- They Met Jesus: Christ Welcomes the Children
- They Met Jesus: James the Son of Zebedee
- They Met Jesus: John the Apostle
- They Met Jesus: Simon Peter
- They Met Jesus: Some Greeks
- They Met Jesus: The Followers of John the Baptist
- They Met Jesus: The Pharisees
- They Met Jesus: The Women at the Tomb
- This Is My Story – What’s Yours?
- This Little Light
- Three Things I Pray
- Time is of the Essence
- To Be a Light
- To Make Whole
- To the Eye Invisible; To the Ear Impossible
- To Thine Own Self Be True
- To Worship Rightly
- Top Ten List for Everyday Living
- Treasure In Earthen Vessels
- Treasures in Heaven…Priceless
- Trust: An Open House
- Unrelenting Love of God
- Use It or Loose It
- Using Memories
- Very Touching, Now Get Up and Get a Move On
- Walking in Unity
- Was There Someone With Us
- Watching the Water and Reading the Ripples
- We are People of the Ark
- We Are Sheltered By the Stars
- We Give More Than is Asked
- We Love To Tell The Story
- We Three Kings from the Orient
- What A Day
- What Do You Expect?
- What God Can Do
- What Makes a Church Great?
- What Shall I Say?
- What was She Thinking
- What Will You Get FROM Christmas?
- What Wouldn’t Jesus Do?
- What You Sow
- What's My Legacy?
- What's Next? Glory, God, Both?
- When Do We Put Christmas Back In the Attic?
- When Jesus Asks
- When Morning Rolls Around
- When We Have Wandered Too Far
- When We Meet To Worship – Pray Fervently
- When We Meet To Worship – Sing Wholeheartedly
- Where Faith Leads Us
- Where Faith Leads Us
- Where is Your Treasure?
- Which One Are You?
- Who are the saints?
- Who Cares If You Listen?
- Who Is Able?
- Who Is The Greatest?
- Who Needs a Savior?
- Who Wrote The Book of Love
- Who's Shout is Heard Round the World?
- Who’s The Greatest Of Them All?
- Why a Church is Worth Living For
- Why Am I Here?
- Why Did It Happen?
- Why Do You Involve Me?
- Why Do You Look for the Living Among the Dead?
- Why is Life So Fragile?
- Why Not Me?
- Widow’s Might
- Will It Matter In A Year?
- Will You Really Lay Down Your Life For Me?
- With A Heart That Is Full
- Women’s Work
- Would the Real Jesus Please Stand Up
- Wouldn’t It Be Lovely
- Yes You Can
- Yield
- You are Witnesses of these Things
- You Better Would
- You Can Stop When You Wish
- Your Lips Say Yes
- Zestful Living
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- A Bad Day at the Office
- A Flexible Flyer for Christmas
- A Lesson from My Father
- A Million Dollar View
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- Hands
- Hitting the Wall
- My First Home
- My Plumb Line
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- Phil, God and Sagamore Creek
- The Lantern
- The Road to Heaven Runs Through Pittsburgh
- The Ultimate Return on Investment
- What’s One Second Worth?
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- A Place of Safety
- A Very Short Children's Story About Amos
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- Choice Or Chance
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- Faith Without Fear
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- From Cocoon To Flight
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- God's Discipline
- God's Word - Our Bible
- Gospel's Message of Inclusion
- Growing As A Christian
- How to be Good in a Bad World
- Interactive Exercise for Teens - Looking for Proof that there is a God
- Interactive Exercise for Teens - Understanding How to Commit One's Life To Christ
- Last Chance To Say Goodbye
- Leading Bible Studies
- Leading the Flock
- Lost Opportunity
- Love's Fragrance
- Love's Security
- Missionaries
- Mistakes Christians Make
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- Rebuilding the City Walls
- Reflections
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- Restoring What Is Broken
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- The First Christians
- The Gifts of Womanhood
- The Lord And His People
- The True Character of a Person
- The Unseen Enemy
- The Way Of Service
- True North
- Under Construction
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- What We Can Learn From A Music Study
- When You're Gone
- Who was Jesus Really?
- Why God First?
- Why The Gospel of John Is Different
- Wisdom
- Youth Studies
- TIPS (To Inspire People Spiritually) News Letter No. 1
- TIPS (To Inspire People Spiritually) News Letter No. 2
- TIPS (To Inspire People Spiritually) News Letter No. 3
- TIPS (To Inspire People Spiritually) News Letter No. 4
- TIPS (To Inspire People Spiritually) News Letter No. 5
- TIPS (To Inspire People Spiritually) News Letter No. 6
- TIPS (To Inspire People Spiritually) News Letter No. 7
- TIPS (To Inspire People Spiritually) News Letter No. 8
- TIPS (To Inspire People Spiritually) News Letter No. 9
- TIPS (To Inspire People Spiritually) News Letter No. 10
- TIPS (To Inspire People Spiritually) News Letter No. 11
- TIPS (To Inspire People Spiritually) News Letter No. 12
- TIPS (To Inspire People Spiritually) News Letter No. 13
- TIPS (To Inspire People Spiritually) News Letter No. 14
- TIPS (To Inspire People Spiritually) News Letter No. 15
- TIPS (To Inspire People Spiritually) News Letter No. 16
- TIPS (To Inspire People Spiritually) News Letter No. 17
- TIPS (To Inspire People Spiritually) News Letter No. 18
- TIPS (To Inspire People Spiritually) News Letter No. 19
- TIPS (To Inspire People Spiritually) News Letter No. 20
- TIPS (To Inspire People Spiritually) News Letter No. 21
- TIPS (To Inspire People Spiritually) News Letter No. 22
- TIPS (To Inspire People Spiritually) News Letter No. 23
- TIPS (To Inspire People Spiritually) News Letter No. 24
- TIPS (To Inspire People Spiritually) News Letter No. 25
- TIPS (To Inspire People Spiritually) News Letter No. 26
- TIPS (To Inspire People Spiritually) News Letter No. 27
- TIPS (To Inspire People Spiritually) News Letter No. 28
- TIPS (To Inspire People Spiritually) News Letter No. 29
- TIPS (To Inspire People Spiritually) News Letter No. 30
- TIPS (To Inspire People Spiritually) News Letter No. 31
- TIPS (To Inspire People Spiritually) News Letter No. 32
- TIPS (To Inspire People Spiritually) News Letter No. 33
- TIPS (To Inspire People Spiritually) News Letter No. 34
- TIPS (To Inspire People Spiritually) News Letter No. 35
- TIPS (To Inspire People Spiritually) News Letter No. 36
- TIPS (To Inspire People Spiritually) News Letter No. 37
- TIPS (To Inspire People Spiritually) News Letter No. 38
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