Whether in prayer or praise, knowing the characteristics of our God can help us in our communication. The following list is just a partial sample of who God is and why we place our faith in the one true God. Clicking on the title will take you to the Internet where you can search for Scripture before and after the characteristic. In this way, you can place yourself into the depth of of the Bible1NIV New International Version Translations.

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When most people pray, they include supplications and humble petitions to God. Petitions might include comfort, counsel, protection, guidance, justice, love, healing, redemption, and especially refuge just to name a few. There is nothing more comforting to be in the arms of our God during times of crisis. Our God is all of these and more. To guide prayer, we can use the Scriptures to frame our thoughts, and our petitions, and enter into a dialogue with our Creator. This list is a nice place to start and there are a  lot more of God’s characteristics that we can lean on.

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