Shadows is Lostpine’s latest section of Bible Study materials. While the Section called Studies was dedicated to a prescribed study outline and Snapshots, for the most part, followed the Common Lectionary schedule, Shadows will dip into those areas of the Bible that we typically pass over. It will explore our curiosity as to why we should even read or know these minor facts about our Bible. The Word, God’s Word, is rich in its ability to guide and counsel humanity. Shadows are those places where somethings are hard to see but great treasures await. Let’s walk in God’s Shadows to see what He has to say to us! Check us weekly, each Friday, for our latest walk through the shadows.
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Click “here” to view all of the Shadow Studies.
- 2025/02/07 – What Exactly is the Gospel?
We are told that the Gospel saves us. We should know it and share it with those around us. But precisely what is it?
- 2025/01/31 – Resolve to Accept that Doubt is Part of Life
Our last idea for New Year's Resolutions is all about doubt. It is Satan's favorite tool. Yet God accepts doubt as a normal part of the human experience. His promises and track record show the successful faith journey is filled with doubt. It is our response in faith that is the secret sauce.
- 2025/01/24 – Resolve to Count Every Blessing Small and Large
Lostpine's third suggestion for a New Year's Resolution is to have an "attitude of gratitude." This study looks at God's generous nature and how we need to reflect His generosity to the world.
- 2025/01/17 – Resolve to Bounce Back From Setbacks and Disapointments
One New Year's Resolution we should never overlook is to clean up those disappointments and failures from last year. This study looks at just a few of the wonderful biblical strategies for starting a new year off right.
- 2025/01/10 – Resolve to Find Your Purpose
One paramount question is whether humans can achieve satisfaction and happiness without understanding their purpose in our world. This study looks at why knowing your purpose, why you exist, is important to your relationship with God.
- 2025/01/03 – Resolve to be More Hope-Filled
We are off to a new year. For the next several weeks, Lostpine will publish some New Year's resolution ideas—not the ordinary ones, but the ones our God would love to see His people adopt.
- 2024/12/27 – Resolutions for 2025
A new year is coming. If God were in charge of your resolutions, what would they be about? Let's start our new year by taking a journey down the road of "good intentions," you know, those things we should do but never get around to it.
- 2024/12/20 – The Ultimate Gift
Christmas is coming. Every year we retell the story of Jesus. This study looks at this miraculous event in a different "Light."
- 2024/12/13 – Discovering Jesus: A Journey of Faith
When we finally see who Jesus is, our sight becomes 20/20. This study shares a story about very young children who can see clearly for the very first time. This is not unlike ourselves when we are born again and begin our eternal relationship with Jesus.
- 2024/12/06 – Who Will You Believe?
Humanity is given a choice. Whose wisdom will they choose? God's Word was established before the universe began. It will exist long after it is gone. Are you ready to place your eternal faith in humanity or the mastermind of our world?
- 2024/11/29 – The World In God’s Hands (revisited)
One of the most popular searches and studies on Lostpine is about John 3:16. This study revisits the verse to see how it might apply in a world that seems to be losing sight of God. We thought it might benefit from an update.
- 2024/11/22 – Living with Purpose: Cultivating Hope and Contentment in a Chaotic World
Hope is future-oriented. On the other hand, contentment is more about the present. This study looks at their relationship to each other and how they impact unity among believers.
- 2024/11/15 – Do We Give Them Enough Credit?
Do you know the apostles? How many were there? These were the men who created a church where our faith is anchored today. This study looks at why we should know them better. It also helps clear up who were the three men named James.
- 2024/11/08 – Can You Tell the Difference Between an Opponent and an Enemy?
We just finished a difficult national election. How would God like us to respond? Whether our candidates won or lost, how should our nation treat each other afterward?
- 2024/11/01 – Choosing to Live by God’s Words
Elections are approaching, and half of our nation may be disappointed. Where should your focus be? Lostpine suggests trying to take God at His "Word."
- 2024/10/25 – God’s Advice on Good Citizenship
Elections approach. How about a review of God's opinion on citizenship?
- 2024/10/18 – God’s Big Five!
National elections are in progress. Need a few more good ideas from God's perspective?
- 2024/10/11 – Ready for a Wild Ride?
We are in the final weeks of a national election. Get ready, insanity will prevail. This study will remind us of where to find both trustworthy information and peace.
- 2024/10/04 – Why did Jesus Kill the Fig Tree? Or Do You Even Care?
Jesus is hungry and finds a fig tree. However, despite looking healthy, it has no figs so he cures it and the tree dies. Why would Jesus do this? I think you will be surprised.
- 2024/09/27 – Do You Know What a Leviathan Is?
Do you know the Leviathan? Our Bible stories are about many mystical things. Did you hear the one about a fire-breathing sea monster?
- 2024/09/20 – Picking Good Leaders – What Does God Say?
With the season of early voting almost upon us and a major election looming in the distance, it is time to think about leadership. How will God hold our choices accountable? To what standards?
- 2024/09/13 – Do You Know Ehud?
Our Bible contains stories about violent acts. It is reasonable to ask why those stories are important. Ehud, a judge, committed murder. His story is not well known. However, through stories like Ehud's, we can learn much about the character of our God and His love for those who believe in Him.
- 2024/09/06 – Selling Out a Nation
Solomon and his subsequent kings managed to take a great and godly nation to ruin. They taxed and spent until the people revolted. Then the northern kingdom moved away from their God at the direction of their leader. Divisiveness, the indulgences of the leaders, sinfulness, poor policies, and over-taxation destroyed a healthy nation. Beware, this can happen again!
- 2024/08/30 – The Link Between Consequences and Restorative Justice
Do consequences matter? Is it all about mercy for all? This study will look at the relationship between consequences and restorative justice.
- 2024/08/23 – The Israelites’ 40 Year Lesson in Trust and Obedience
We all know the story, of forty years of wandering through the wilderness. But have you ever wondered why the Israelites took so long to get to the Promised Land?
- 2024/08/16 – Can You See Them?
The concept of Natural Laws is based on the belief that God has placed a moral code into the hearts of all people. This study looks at the significance of Natural Law and what our Bible says about it.
- 2024/08/09 – God’s Timing, A Beautiful Thing to Behold!
Nebuchadnezzar’s reign is a classic example of the dangers of absolute power. His tyranny and self-regard as a deity serve as a reminder of the potential for abuse when power is concentrated in the hands of one individual or a small group. God's timing, however, was perfect. Nebuchadnezzar would be instrumental in saving the nation of Israel.
- 2024/08/02 – The Apple Never Falls Far from the Tree
When parents fail to raise godly children, many generations are impacted. This study looks at the impact of the "Herods" on our biblical history.
- 2024/07/26 – What happened to the Absolute Truths in our World?
What we are witnessing is the dissolution of societal absolutes. We live in a state of ethical relativism, where no absolute moral truths exist anymore. What is morally right or wrong varies from person to person or differs from one society to another. This study looks at how we got here and where we should be going.
- 2024/07/19 – What’s your exit plan?
It is good to have a plan on how to get from this world into eternity. This study looks at an interesting example of one man's exit plan.
- 2024/07/12 – Satan, Getting to Know Him
Is Satan that horned, red, horrible creature we see so often in our media? Our Bible paints a very different picture. Sophisticated, cunning, deceitful, but most importantly, effective. Satan takes advantage of those who think they have their lives under control. Our Scriptures give us two places where Satan and God have a conversation. From these, we can learn who the evil we fear is.
- 2024/07/05 – Gaslighting – Now Playing in a Theater Near You!
The world is improving! It is developing new ways to mislead and lie to humanity. This study looks at "gaslighting," a new and creative way to overpower common sense and truth.
- 2024/06/28 – Heh! Things are terrible – What Now?
Life is complex, it makes you tired, anxious, loaded with lots of temptation and fear, stress, and short on hope. Here is one strategy to boost your odds of survival.
- 2024/06/21 – Can We Ever Agree on Anything?
Does anyone, even those who believe in the same Lord agree on anything? It seems lately that even with those who profess the same faith, we struggle to get along.
- 2024/06/14 – Four R’s to Compromise
This study will look at four biblical Truths to see how they might help in this task of difficult compromises. Lostpine calls them the “Four R’s to Compromise.” These are Reverence, Respect, Repentance, and Reconciliation.
- 2024/06/07 – Where does the idea of sin come from?
The world should know a lot about sin. It has perfected it. It might qualify as a national sport. This study just looks at what defines sin and some of the implications that go along with sin.
- 2024/05/31 – Lord and Savior
We hear the phrase "Lord and Savior" often, especially during baptisms. What does it mean?
- 2024/05/24 – Surviving when Evil is in charge
Things are bad right now. If you haven't noticed, you're not paying attention. Despite what seems like overwhelming evil in the world, God remains our hope.
- 2024/05/17 – The relevance of the Old and New Testaments
The Bible is often mistaken as two books, one old and one new. That is not the case. This study looks at why the Old and New Testaments are a matched set, forming the bookends for our world. Both are necessary to understand our God. Our Bible presents God's plan for one purpose, one salvation.
- 2024/05/10 – Bias
The world is filled with bias. Media, marketers, and politicians all use bias to advance their agendas. This study looks at God's perspective on bias and how to assure ourselves that it is consistent with God's Truth.
- 2024/05/03 – Esne Complicatus?
The Latin phrase "Esne Complicatus?" is translated as "Are you complicit?" This is the question that every person should ask themselves. Is the chaos in our world because of us?
- 2024/04/26 – The Gibeonite Deception
We all have probably heard the old hymn about Joshua and Jerrico:
Joshua fit the battle of Jericho
Jericho Jericho
Joshua fit the battle of Jericho
And the walls came tumbling downBut did you know that this story was a lesson that every leader of any nation should remember?
- 2024/04/19 – Why are Christians Persecuted Around the World?
There are increasing attacks against Christians worldwide. Even in countries like the US, Canada, and the UK, we see growing hostilities toward those who place their faith in Jesus Christ. This study looks at a few of those trends and possible causes.
- 2024/04/12 – Turning Anxiety Off
This week, let's take a peek into Philippians and see what the Apostle Paul says about anxiety. The Christians in Philippi had reason to worry. Their mentor was in prison.
- 2024/04/05 – Coram Deo
Coram Deo, a Latin phrase, appears in Psalm 56:13. When translated into English, the verse says, “For you have delivered me from death and my feet from stumbling, that I may walk before God [Coram Deo] in the light of life.” In other words, it means to live a life “before the face of God.” This is to be a life of integrity, honoring God with a spirit of adoration and gratitude. Yet people, every day, place their right hand on the Bible to take an oath to honor our laws and honor God. Many ignore their oath. This study looks at the idea of swearing before God!
- 2024/03/29 – Tears of a Father
This study is published on "Good Friday." Strange name for a day when our Savior was crucified. What does this day mean to you? It will not be your easiest read today. Good Friday should wake people up to the Grace granted by God to save us from ourselves. Your challenge, read it all! Suffer with Jesus and see how much He loves us!
- 2024/03/22 – The 3 C’s and Maybe a Fourth
To do the same year after year will only bring more economic chaos, litigious behavior, and even war. In an opinion article published in the “Ashville Citizen Times,” Brad Guteirrez identifies the societal loss of three principles that remain a serious threat to improving 2024. Mr. Guteirrez calls them the three C’s: civility, compassion, and compromise. We will look at civility, compassion, and compromise from a biblical perspective to see what we can glean.
- 2024/03/15 – The Warning!
In Isaiah, chapter 5, he tells a parable about a vineyard. While the story is 3,000-plus years old, it reads like today's media headlines. Is God warning us again?
- 2024/03/08 – Understanding History’s First Murder
The average lifespan in the US has been dropping. There are many causes, but one big one is the growing murder rates in major cities. What did "First Murder" teach us? Apparently, not too much. This study examines the well-known story of two brothers, Cain and Abel.
- 2024/03/01 – Eternity was, is, and ever shall be!
Eternity sits as God’s promise for faith and trust in His Truth. You don’t have to understand eternity to enjoy it. You just need a relationship with your Creator!
- 2024/02/23 – Skills, intelligence, and wisdom – What does God say about each?
Three common concepts are skills, intelligence, and wisdom. All are important to God. But are there differences that should be important to us?
- 2024/02/16 – Would God prefer a democracy or a constitutional republic for our nation?
We tend to use the terms "democracy" and "constitutional republic" interchangeably. Yet, they are quite different, even concerning our God's own definitions. Let's take a quick review and see how we are doing as a nation.
- 2024/02/09 – What if your enemies cannot be redeemed?
Our world has enemies today. Some can be redeemed, and some cannot. God, however, is still in charge. Placing our faith and trust in God’s Truth continues to be the most important response to evil that humanity can make.
- 2024/02/02 – Anger versus Hatred – What is the Difference?
With hatred and war seemingly growing in our world, it is worth just looking at God's perspectives. He does have an opinion.
- 2024/01/26 – What is Secular Globalism?
We hear a new term, it sounds innocuous. Let's find out what God has to say about a world order where there is only one nation under humanity, not God!
- 2024/01/19 – God’s Contract with the World
We are a litigious society. One would hope that the purpose of contracts would be comprehended by all. Humanity has had and still has contracts with its Creator. In this study, we look at the history of those contracts and how they impact our salvation.
- 2024/01/12 – The AntiChrist – Is He Real?
Our New Testament tells us that there are lawless people who come as the AntiChrist. They have been around since Jesus walked this earth. Our lesson looks at the Apostle Paul's warnings and how we might spot those who seek to destroy our nation.
- 2024/01/05 – Is There Such a Thing as Overconfidence?
Overconfidence has been called the mother of all biases. Is it possible to be overconfident about one's faith? The Apostle Peter was!
- 2023/12/29 – Do we have a New Existential Threat for our Nation?
Every so often, there is a published article from an "expert" that makes a provocative statement and gets our attention. The media did not disappoint us this year. As we end the year 2023 with a study, it is a good time to understand once again, why Jesus came and why we so desperately need Him. We will do this by examining an article from a neuroscientist who makes the claim that our nation's greatest threat comes from "stupidity." This study may well explain why our world can be filled with such chaos and hatred.
- 2023/12/22 – The Sheep and the Goats – Politics of Religion
Jesus warns that He will separate the sheep from the goats. Only sheep will receive the gift of the Kingdom of Heaven. We find this in the Gospel of Matthew 25:31-46. Has the process of separation started yet?
- 2023/12/15 – Doubt – Faith’s Greatest Enemy
We all have doubts! It is a normal part of growth, especially when it comes to faith in God. This study looks at how doubt is used to keep humanity from growing in its relationship with our Creator.
- 2023/12/08 – Is Jesus Woke?
In a recent social media article, the claim was made that Jesus's Beatitudes really mean He was woke. This study looks more carefully at "The Sermon on the Mount" to see what it was He trying to tell us.</p>
- 2023/12/01 – To Bear False Witness
Humanity is in trouble. Our justice systems have been corrupted by ignoring the ninth commandment from God. Can any nation survive if we tolerate false testimonies in our courts?
- 2023/11/24 – Why Do We Exist?
"Provocative question. Why does humanity exist? The answer, one would think, should have profound implications on how the world behaves!
- 2023/11/17 – Is Our Freedom Slipping Away?
Freedom, and individual rights, seem to be under attack lately. History has seen this before. What advice might the Scriptures offer us?
- 2023/11/10 – Drinking from Christ’s Cup
Is suffering a requirement to be a Christian? Should we do all we can so that we do not ever suffer? This study looks at the challenges facing us today in lieu of a world that hates Jesus.
- 2023/11/03 – What is this thing called faith that saves us?
Faith, this mysterious thing that separates us for eternity. What is it and how did we get it?
- 2023/10/27 – The Old Testament G.O.A.T.
Society loves to pick the Greatest of All Times in Sports. What about the Old Testament? What about kings in the Old Testament? This study looks at three men and the characteristics that make them candidates for the G.O.A.T.
- 2023/10/20 – The Hope of Imago Dei
Humans often forget they have a unique ancestry. We are created in God's own image. This results in shared characteristics that form the basis for eternal hope. This study looks at the benefits of embracing our heritage.
- 2023/10/13 – Culture and Values, Does God Care, Does God Punish Sin?
Recent chaos in our House of Representatives, border, and legal system should bring each of us to ask the question, "What is God's Opinion on all of this?" Deuteronomy shares a message from God about our covenant relationship and the discipline given for sinful behavior.
- 2023/10/06 – Is there a problem with our news today?
Accurate information is not only a constitutional right, it is an expectation that God has for all nations. Here is what our Bible says about the news today.
- 2023/09/29 – Understanding the Parable of the Good Samaritan
Recently, on a New York transit train, politicians of both major parties have used the parable in both the defense and rebuke of a stand-your-ground act. This study will not directly look at the events in New York. However, it is worth our time to see exactly what this parable was about and what it teaches us.
- 2023/09/22 – Three Guesses and the First Two Don’t Count
Did you ever wonder what Adam and Eve did that got them kicked out of paradise? Surely, it wasn't eating an apple! This study looks at understanding the fall of humanity.
- 2023/09/15 – Where Do Personal Values Come From?
Values, the basic characteristics of who we are drive our behavior in this world. Where do they come from and how do we know they are in concert with God's plans?
- 2023/09/08 – What is Sin? A.I. thinks it’s just a Concept!
Sounds like an easy question to answer. Yet the world is busy redefining sins as personal rights and lifestyle choices. What does God say about sin and what should we do about our everchanging definition of sin?
- 2023/09/01 – The Roots of Fear
There is plenty of fear going on these days. It forces us into the "flight or fight" response humanity is programmed with. But are we running when we should be fighting?
- 2023/08/25 – Do Values Matter Anymore?
Our values define who we are. They explain our beliefs and behavior. What does God have to say about them?
- 2023/08/18 – Being Judgmental
Did Jesus really say do not judge? If so, a lot of us are in deep trouble. Let's look at what our God tells us about being judgmental.
- 2023/08/11 – What Exactly is Idolatry?
Never discussed, the definition and perspective of God on idolatry may surprise you.
- 2023/08/04 – Could this be the problem?
Chaos abounds. Who's at fault? This study looks at a society in trouble and what one cause may be.
- 2023/07/28 – What Does It Mean to Be Exiled by God?
One needs to ask whether the absolute chaos in our nation and the world is a warning or punishment from God. He has done that in the past through the form of exile. Are we now exiled in our nation?
- 2023/07/21 – Leaving an Impression on this World
There is something new to fear: ChatGPT. This is called the future of Artificial Intelligence. Some claim it will replace humans on our planet. Let's ask God what He thinks.
- 2023/07/14 – Does Equity Lead to Equality?
Equity is seen today as the road to equality. While no one disputes that our God desires equality, what does He say is the equitable road map to get there?
- 2023/07/07 – Have You Ever Been Up a Tree – Revisited?
Using Luke 19 and the parable about Zacchaeus, the man up a tree, we will spend time on the parable to understand more about God's Word and meaning.
- 2023/06/30 – When both sides of a binary world are broken, choose not of this world!
Somehow, evil is convincing us that the path to God is complex. Yet God made this world binary. Just two choices for most decisions in life. Who is responsible for all of this complexity?
- 2023/06/23 – Inflation, Does God Offer Us Any Answers?
Inflation is a financial roll-a-coaster. Can God help us? He does record in His Word, three causes that may give some insight into the sources of Inflation. Let's see what we can find.
- 2023/06/16 – What Does God Say About Choosing Leaders?
The right to vote is sacred and protected by our Constitution. God holds His people accountable for those whom they elect along with those who are elected. How then do we pick leaders equipped to guide our nation?
- 2023/06/09 – Immigration and the Bible
Immigration is a difficult topic in our nation today. It might be time to just pause and look at what our Bible says about it.
- 2023/06/02 – Whose Job is it Anyway?
Parents are embroiled in a battle for the very souls of their children. Censorship, exclusion from curricula, woke school boards, and even government and FBI involvement, are separating parents from their right to control the education of their children. What does God have to say about this?
- 2023/05/26 – My Way or the Highway!
The philosophy of relativism is pervasive in our nation today. What's God's opinion? This is a false understanding of the nature of what is true. It is the heart of the "woke" culture.
- 2023/05/19 – Is Our Nation Dying?
We have just concluded 18 weeks of learning about God's Prophets. Their history spanned 400 years. What now? What has our nation learned about God?
- 2023/05/12 – Malachi
The book of Malachi is the last writing in the Christian Old Testament. The words of this prophet would take about 400 years to fulfill God's promise of a Messiah. Malachi tells us what we must do to prepare! We have published this before, but it is a great way to end our four-month series on the Old Testament Prophets. We hope you enjoyed our series on the Old Testament Prophets. Shadows will return to our tradition style of studies tackling contemporary issues.
- 2023/05/05 – Zechariah
From exile to prophet, Zechariah helps focus the returning exiles on the task of rebuilding their lives and the Temple in Jerusalem.
- 2023/04/28 – Haggai
We have published Haggai before. Upon their return to Jerusalem, priorities were not focused on God. Haggai is one of the prophets who encouraged the people to return to God and rebuild their temple. If not for Haggai, God's house would have remained unfinished and empty.
- 2023/04/21 – Obadiah
We have published this study before. Obadiah is the author of the shortest book in the Old Testament. While his words are few, Obadiah's wisdom addresses one of the world's greatest problems, using fear and circumstances to advance self-interests.
- 2023/04/14 – Ezekiel
Ezekiel, the weeping prophet. His visions were direct from God. Yet, the people refused to believe that their sins were the cause of their exile.
- 2023/04/07 – Daniel
Daniel is republished for this series. It tells the story of the power of faith even in a pagan world.
- 2023/03/31 – Habakkuk
Habakkuk the prophet sees injustice and takes his complaint straight to God. Here we gain insight into the true character of our Creator.
- 2023/03/24 – Jeremiah
The weeping prophet tries his best to wake people up. He is eventually murdered by stoning. A prophet's life was tough for sure!
- 2023/03/17 – Zephaniah
Zephaniah the prophet starts preaching to the choir, to people that were following God. Why? God had provided him wisdom to see the future and the mistakes that would bring justice upon them.
- 2023/03/10 – Nahum
Nineveh was one of the greatest cities, within the top 50 of their time. Like Sodom and Gamora, it was disgusting and evil. Jonah tried to save them; Nahum tried again. They don't exist today. Learn the similarities with the nations of today!
- 2023/03/03 – Micah
Micah had a big issue with the way the middle class and poor were treated. He despised fake prophets and fake religion. He was smart and even knew in advance that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem.
- 2023/02/24 – Isaiah
Isaiah, the most quoted prophet in the New Testament. Did you know that he was two different people? The Book of Isaiah prophecies the coming of Jesus Himself.
- 2023/02/17 – Hosea
Hosea is asked by God to do something out of the ordinary. He is to live a life that projects the love of God for people no better than harlots.
- 2023/02/10 – Amos
Amos is also a study we have published before. He belongs in our review of the prophets of the Old Testament. We also have a unique children's study that accompanies Amos. You will find the link at the bottom of Amos.
- 2023/02/03 – Jonah
We have published Jonah before. However, in keeping with our list of Old Testament prophets, Jonah is next on our list.
- 2023/01/27 – Joel
Joel is a short book, with only three chapters. But in them, he points out the dangers of pursuing worldly joy rather than a relationship with God.
- 2023/01/20 – Elisha
Elisha, the protege of Elijah, would become the second prophet to Israel. He was quite effective. Learn how he moved the people from their worship of the god of Baal.
- 2023/01/13 – Elijah
Elijah, God's first prophet. He was sent after Ahab, the worst king and leader ever who led the people away from God.
- 2023/01/06 – The Prophets of the Old Testament
We will start a new series on the prophets of the Old Testament. Each week, we will look at one of the 18 men in order of their ministry to get to know our God better.
- 2022/12/30 – The Really Big Question
Maybe the oldest written question ever for God to answer is whether there is life after death. As we start a new year, this study looks at God's answer to that question.
- 2022/12/23 – Do You Care?
Christmas is coming. We dust off those decorations that have been stored for a year. Struggle with buying things that people don't need. And then there are those family gatherings that cause so much stress. Let's just look at a few of the things Christmas should be about.
- 2022/12/16 – So What’s the Plan?
Do you know what "Protevangelium" is? It is an amazing example of how God has handled the fall of humankind. Jesus prayed just before His death for God to watch over that plan. It is worth knowing about.
- 2022/12/09 – A Thankful Response
God has given us the poor, the hungry, the widows, and the orphans of this world. What does God expect us, an affluent society to do about them?
- 2022/12/02 – What Does It Take To Discern God’s Will?
In the past, we have looked at the question, what is God's Truth? We even tried to sharpen our skills to become better at recognizing God's Truth. Now it is time to put this together and see what steps can be taken to discern God's Will for our lives. You know, living in God's Truth!
- 2022/11/25 – Is Anything Sacred Anymore?
When the Israelites were led out of Egypt by Moses, the trip generated a few artifacts that became sacred to the nation. Do you know what was contained in the Ark of the Covenant? Do you know the real story behind the two tablets of the 10 commandments? This study offers some insights.
- 2022/11/18 – Work, is it a Curse or Blessing?
With low job satisfaction in our nation, with many jobs going unfilled, and with topics like silent quitting becoming newsworthy, what is it that God says about work?
- 2022/11/11 – When Disappointment Comes
After a contentious political period, many are disappointed. Let's look at how King David handled his greatest disappointment.
- 2022/11/04 – Why the Silence?
History has shown us that when our nation is under attack, we fight back. People gather together as families often do, protecting their children and property. Yet our nation is under attack again. How you say, by whom? Think fentanyl, think of the loss of parental rights! Why are we not fighting back?
- 2022/10/28 – Can You Spot It When You See It?
A provocative question: Can you spot the truth? Difficult times require vigilance. This study uses Jesus's parable of the sower to understand how to spot the truth.
- 2022/10/21 – It Seems the World has been Here Before
Do you think that the people who hide in the "wings" of a leader's office don't matter much? Read the story of King Manasseh. His lack of experience and naivety led his nation into exile.
- 2022/10/14 – God’s Tips on Voting
Elections for our nation's leaders are less than a month away. Lostpine thought it might be of value to review God's tips and His opinion on voting.
- 2022/10/07 – Who Were God’s Prophets?
God's prophets have been speaking to humanity from the beginning of life itself. They are still speaking today. Can we recognize them when we hear them? Can we recognize those who do not speak God's Truth?
- 2022/09/30 – Have You Ever Heard a Sermon about the “Song of Songs?”
Solomon's book, Song of Songs, is a love song for a young woman he loved. Written to help us understand what healthy relationships look like between a husband and wife, the book is often overlooked. Yes, it can be sensual. But under the covers, there is good advice we can learn from it.
- 2022/09/23 – What was History’s First Lie?
Almost immediately after God created a good world, Satan appeared on the scene. He managed to come up immediately with the first lie ever in our universe. It is an interesting lie. How we tricked Eve is worth closer examination. Satan is still up to his old tricks even today.
- 2022/09/16 – His Life is Our Law
Jesus lived a sinless life and showed us how to obey God's Law. The Apostle Paul uses the sinfulness of Corinth and the Apostle Luke gives us examples of Jesus' life to show us the right way to please God.
- 2022/09/09 – Does God Ever Lose His Patience with His People?
History seems to show that when nations abandon God, there are consequences. Do we believe that today? History also shows that when children become the target, God interacts on their behalf.
- 2022/09/02 – The Importance of Being First
We are a world of firsts. Everyone remembers who was first in sports, first gets you a gold medal in the Olympics, firsts are important. Then why did God make the First Commandment what He did? It must be pretty important if we need to never forget it.
- 2022/08/26- The Simple Parable
Jesus was known for His parables. They are not unique to Him. For thousands of years, God spoke to us through parables. What are they? Why do they work so well?
- 2022/08/19 – Is the Bible Really God’s Word?
Studies show that only twenty percent of the people in the US believe that the Bible is the Word of God. We have a problem!
- 2022/08/12 – Bribery, Alive and Well in Our World Today
After witnessing our news media cover the negotiations of the last several US Governmental bills, the evidence indicates that bribery and vote buying is alive and well in politics today. It is worth our time to review God's opinion of those tactics and see if we can find clarity.
- 2022/08/05 – Are You Half Empty or Half Full?
With news that runs 24X7, multiple social applications, search engines, and the like, people are in a place where negative influence reigns supreme. This study looks at how to spot negative bias.
- 2022/07/29 – The Morning After
Solomon gives us insight as to what happens when we die. As the wisest person to ever live, it is worth spending a few moments to understand what exactly is the morning after death going to be like.
- 2022/07/22 – Are We There Yet?
2 Timothy has some wonderful advice from the Apostle Paul. He tells us exactly what evil looks like and provides a rationale on why to avoid it.
- 2022/07/15 – Titus’ Siege of Jerusalem
Jesus foretold the events that would destroy the city of Jerusalem some 38 years after His crucifixion. The event, a Roman siege by General Titus, offers us some insight into how a nation of people was almost destroyed.
- 2022/07/08 – The Gap Years
There is another poll that shows a continued decline in people who believe there is a God. This poll shows the greatest decline in those 18- to 29-year-olds. This is a serious issue that requires our attention.</p>
- 2022/07/01 – Does the End Justify the Means?
We are hearing a lot about the philosophy of pain and sacrifice for a better tomorrow. It is not a new strategy. Did you wonder where the "means to an end" concept came from? Better yet, do you wonder what God thinks about the idea?
- 2022/06/24 – Threats to Religion
Whether you have noticed or not, Christianity is under attack. Church services were disrupted, and burned, and God was removed from businesses, governments, and schools. Should we worry? What is causing it?
- 2022/06/17 – Just Look to God for Answers
There seems to be a growing number of violent acts, committed in our schools. Is there something we are missing in our society that God can provide?
- 2022/06/10 – Surviving in a Crazy World!
Is the world spinning faster? Wow, read the news and you can understand why mental illness has become the number one health concern in the world. God knows our world and has passed on some wonderful instructions through His Word. Let's look at God's tips to stay spiritually healthy and develop a survival plan!
- 2022/06/03 – Who was Malachi?
The book of Malachi is the last writing in the Christian Old Testament. The words of this prophet would take about 400 years to fulfill God's promise of a Messiah. Malachi tells us what we must do to prepare!
- 2022/05/27 – The difference between Good and Evil – Can we tell the difference anymore?
It is getting harder and harder to tell who is right, and who is wrong. What are the moral standards for our society? Confusion is the tool of the enemy. Evil people know how to use any means to an end to justify virtually all that is wrong with our world. What does God want us to do when faced with these threats?
- 2022/05/20 – What Does it Mean to Turn One’s Life Over to Jesus?
As Christians, we hear this all of the time. Turn your life over to Jesus, let Him lead you through this world. Our world, however, is not a safe place. What exactly does this mean?
- 2022/05/13 – When did you first exist?
In all of the craziness over Roe v. Wade, have you wondered when you, specifically you, were created? When did God, with His wisdom and grace, lay the foundations for your life here on earth and for the eternity ahead? Let's search the Scriptures together to find these answers.
- 2022/05/06 – Who were the Samaritans?
The parable of the "Good Samaritan" is well known from the Gospel of Luke. But who were the Samaritans and why did Jesus use this story?"
- 2022/04/29 – Are We Getting Any Smarter?
We are told that with observation and experience, we learn. The human race gets smarter. But is it that simple or is there more that we need to do to grow in knowledge?
- 2022/04/22 – What Exactly is Free Will?
We are told over and over that humanity was created with free will. Does that mean we are hopelessly destined to live with our poor choices? Did God offer us some instructions to help us make life's decisions?
- 2022/04/15 – Empty, Alive!
It is a good time to reflect on Easter. What was God's greatest gift to humankind?
- 2022/04/08 – The Assent into the City
Palm Sunday is a Christian tradition. Jesus, riding on a donkey, enters the city of Jerusalem. We take a different look to see the factors that would influence His week to come.
- 2022/04/01 – Does God Ever Give Up on a Nation?
In our crazy and sinful world, it is a legitimate question to ask. Does God ever get so tired of humanity that He gives up?
- 2022/03/25 – Some Good Advice from God!
If you could click on God's social network feed, what advice do you think He might be giving us today?
- 2022/03/18 – I am Who I am!
The Book of Job is thought to be the oldest written words of our Bible. In it, God converses with Job and explains who He is. Do we really know God? Are we ready to accept God as He says He is?
- 2022/03/11 – The Sayings of Agur son of Jaken
Proverbs, our book of wisdom, closes on Chapter 30, the writings of Agur. It is a focus on what our society today must do to reclaim our relationship with God.
- 2022/03/04 – Let Me Introduce You to Haggai
Lostpine has written much about the Babylonian Exile, one of the periods of God's punishment of the nation of Israel. Upon their return to Jerusalem, priorities were not focused on God. Haggai is one of the prophets who encouraged the people to return to God and rebuild their temple. Haggai may not be well known but if it were not for him, God's house would have remained unfinished and empty. It is a good story of how to bring back hope and peace to society.
- 2022/02/25 – A Few Good People Needed
This week we look to two places in the Bible for our lesson. Ezekiel asks God for advice and his reply is that society needs a few good people. However, God doesn't see any. We then look to Second John, a short letter to find the game plan for helping our nation.
- 2022/02/18 – The Story of Daniel
Daniel entered a pagan world he did not want to live in. However, he spent 70 years there, a person of faith, wisdom, and prayer. His life would convert nations to God and save the exiled people of Israel. He is much like us today, trapped in an ungodly world wondering how to survive.
- 2022/02/11 – A Young Man Named Titus
The Apostle Paul mentored Titus, a Gentile. He commissioned Titus to start up and pastor many early churches. It is a short letter but still offers us insight into our world.
- 2022/02/04 – Deborah
Deborah was one of the most influential women in the Bible. In follow up to last week's study on Judges, we will get to know this woman better.
- 2022/01/28 – Lessons from the Book of Judges
Rarely is the book of Judges used for Bible Study. Yet it offers humanity critical lessons on how to live in accordance with God's Truth.
- 2022/01/21 – Have You Heard of Esther?
Esther is one of those lost books of the Bible that no one bothers with. Yet it is a story of hope for all of us.
- 2022/01/14 – Is Justice This Simple?
Our justice system is under the influence of bigotry, politics, media, and money. What did God intend for His world?
- 2022/01/07 – Restorative Justice
This study looks at the biblical definition and support for the ideas behind Restorative Justice.
- 2021/12/31 – Ready for the New Year?
A New Year is hours away. Have you thought about your resolutions?
- 2021/12/24 – What were the “Last Words of Advice from God!”
As we celebrate Christmas as the beginning of hope, let's look at how to ensure that our journey is successful. We will look at God's last advice to His world.
- 2021/12/17 – Just a Baby?
Have you ever wondered why Jesus came to us as a child? He must have been a very special child to carry the weight of saving humankind on His shoulders.
- 2021/12/10 – Who was Jonah?
The story of Jonah and the whale is one of the stranger Books of the Bible. Too many people may discount the story as a fable without thinking about the message that it teaches. We will seek to find the truth!
- 2021/12/03 – Who’s In Charge Anyway?
When all you see around you is chaos, do you ever ask the question, who is in charge? We take a look at the expert on living in chaos, Job to see exactly what did Job do and how God finally released him from his struggles.
- 2021/11/26 – Divida et Impera
We have often heard the terms "Divide and Conquer." That is a war strategy as old as the Bible itself. Yet the Romans, Caesar himself lets us in on a secret. The real strategy used by our world is Divide and Rule (Divida et Impera).
- 2021/11/19 – Have We Missed the Real Point?
What does it mean to be like Jesus? Are we too focused on the holidays and missing the hard work that is needed daily?
- 2021/11/12 – Who Was Ahab?
In the eyes of God, King Ahab was the worst king ever. Best we know what King Ahab did to draw God's ire. We pick our leaders now. Learn about God's rating system!
- 2021/11/05 – Beware of Crowd Mentality
There are unseen influences impacting the choices made in society today. That is not new. It led to the death of our Savior!
- 2021/10/29 – Woe to the Children of Our World
The national news seems to indicate a total disregard for the value and sanctity of our children. Do we really understand what is going on today? Aren't our children our future? How do we protect them?
- 2021/10/22 – Let Your Yes Be Yes
It seems our society is hearing a lot of promises lately. Most are made with little regard for follow-up, truthful action. Does God hold people accountable for a broken promise?</p>
- 2021/10/15 – Psalm 35
King Saul was trying to kill David. David reached out to God with a prayer, Psalm 35. It offers us an insight as to how to pray to God when the world around us seems to be falling apart.
- 2021/10/08 – Is It All About Compromise?
The question is often asked, why can't people just compromise and get along? That is a flawed process. Oil and water don't mix! God and Satan don't agree! Society needs to get on a different track. The one we are on now will not get us to a good place.
- 2021/10/01 – The Crown of Thorns
Scriptures are amazingly consistent in the portrayal of sin, grace, and salvation through Christ. This imagery can be a great help in keeping our focus on God. This study looks at just one such image, the crown of thorns placed on Jesus as he was crucified.
- 2021/09/24 – Have You Thought About Eternity?
Are you ready for eternity? The entire precept behind our faith is to move into an eternal relationship with God. Will you be bored? After you have read every book ever written, what will you do?
- 2021/09/17 – Entitlements, Is This What God Wants For Us?
We are living during extraordinary times when the government is replacing parental duties with rules, regulations, and entitlements. Is this what our God wants for us?
- 2021/09/10 – The Four Woes of Isaiah!
Isaiah had great insight into the problems within the nation of Judah. Is our nation similar? Should we heed Isaiah's concerns? God's judgment is always near!
- 2021/09/03 – Are you a Leftist or a Rightist?
No two terms have caused more divisive discourse in the past few years than right and left. Where did they come from? We can learn from the Scriptures that taking sides is nothing new. In fact, all are asked by God to take sides.
- 2021/08/27 – Laodicea
Laodicea was one of the seven churches mentioned in Revelations. It had the reputation of being lukewarm. What does lukewarm really mean? Is this a concern for churches today? Jesus basically said he would vomit them out! Those are strong words. What does that really mean?
- 2021/08/20 – Why is God Silent?
Why is God sometimes silent? It is a question that has been asked since our world was created. This study does not have that answer but looks at what our response should be when we seem not to hear back from God.
- 2021/08/13 – What is God’s Truth?
The world loves to define right and wrong. Society seems to change with every generation. Truth is often in short supply. Yet, we have one awesome Truthful God. What is God's Truth? What does that really mean to us?
- 2021/08/06 – A Closer Look at Equipping Disciples of Christ
One of the principal missions of the Church is to make disciples and send them into the world. Yet people are leaving organized religion in large numbers. It is time to open the dialogue about the purpose of discipleship. Is the Church equipping its membership to become disciples of Christ?
- 2021/07/30 – Reading Between the Lines
God's Word is filled with wonderful imagery. It can be taken at face value. Many times, however, there are as many lessons to be learned on what is between the lines. Here we look at one well-known example.</p>
- 2021/07/23 – Reason and Revelation: The Secret Sauce of a Christlike Life
Reason, a human skill, is fruitless unless it is combined with revelation, the Holy Spirit. They work together built upon a foundation of God's Word and Truth as a perfect filter against the divisiveness of our world.
- 2021/07/16 – National Debt, National Shame?
The National Debt of the United States is spiraling out of control. What does God say about debt? Is any of this debt your personal responsibility?
- 2021/07/09 – Does Faith Have Power?
Jesus tells us that faith has power, power to move mountains and walk on water. He also tells us that it doesn't take more than a mustard seed of faith to accomplish the impossible. What keeps us from using this gift of power?
- 2021/07/02 – Standing by the Door
Doors and gates are frequently used as metaphors in Scripture. Jesus Himself is called the one and only gate each must pass. This study looks a both Scripture and a poem about that "door" we must all pass through.
- 2021/06/25 – Getting to Know God Better
Prayer is as much a cornerstone of the Christian faith as is Christ Himself. It is always a good reminder to think about our prayer life and how we might be able to strengthen our communication between ourselves and our God.
- 2021/06/18 – And the World Spins On and On
Recent surveys show a decline in people attending church. Yet our world seems to be getting worse and worse. An old poem written in 1667 provides interesting insight into a possible cause.
- 2021/06/11 – Part Four: Who was Nehemiah?
The walls of Jerusalem had been severely damaged. Strong walls and working gates were necessary to have a functioning city and society. Nehemiah was just a layman, not a priest or a prophet. But Nehemiah's experience in the king's court equipped him for the political and physical reconstruction necessary for Jerusalem to survive.
- 2021/06/04 – Part Three: Who was Ezra?
Ezra was the second of three key leaders to leave Babylon for the reconstruction of Jerusalem. While Zerubbabel would rebuild the Temple, and Nehemiah rebuild the walls, Ezra would restore worship.
- 2021/05/28 – Part Two: Who was Zerubbabel?
Into history comes Zerubbabel, an aristocrat born in captivity after his parents had been exiled. Son of the last king of Judah before the Babylonian conquest, he becomes part of the lineage of Jesus Himself.
- 2021/05/21 – Part One: What was the Babylonian exile all about?
History offers a unique opportunity to look back at God's interactions in our world. This study represents the beginning of a four-part series. First, we will look at how God used Babylon as His agent of judgment against Israel for their sins of idolatry and rebellion against Him. Subsequent studies will include the return and restoration of the Jewish nation that were the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies. You will get to know Zerubbabel, Ezra, and Nehemiah.
- 2021/05/14 – Do Rituals Lead Us to Righteousness?
We live in a world that loves its rituals and rules. In this study, we look at why Jesus had such an issue over the many rules and rituals the Pharisees created. What does it take to become a righteous person? Is it following the "law" or the "Law?" There is a big difference.
- 2021/05/07 – Common Sense – Revered but Often in Short Supply
Common sense seems to be rather uncommon these days. What does God say about common sense? can we improve our skills? How? In this study, we will look at Solomon and reverend Thomas Reid, a minister from the time period of the American Revolution.
- 2021/04/30 – Have You Ever Met Obadiah?
Obadiah is one of the twelve minor prophets of Israel and the author of the shortest book in the Old Testament. While his words are few, Obadiah's wisdom addresses one of the world's greatest problems, using fear and circumstances to advance self-interests.
- 2021/04/23 – You Heard It on the Grapevine so It Must Be True!
Do you believe everything you hear on the news or on the Internet? Jesus' half-brother James has some advice for us that is most appropriate for our world today.
- 2021/04/16 – The Cornerstone and the Capstone and Our World In Between
We are all caught in a world with both good and evil. Each of us is called to live here and prepare for better things. Is it also a command from our God to change the world too? This study will look at God's expectations and see if we can determine what our duties should be.
- 2021/04/09 – Is the Resurrection of Jesus Really True?
It is a week after Easter and Christ has risen! Do we really believe there is life after death and Easter is the proof? History and the Bible give us ample evidence that there was a "Resurrection."
- 2021/04/02 – He Has Risen
Jesus did not kill Himself, He died because His life conflicted with the world around Him. His death, a horrid crucifixion, was brought about by conflicts between God and the gods of this world. This study reminds us of what it means to be bound to the Cross.
- 2021/03/26 – Echoes from Lubeck Cathedral
Lubeck Cathedral hosts a telling poem about how humanity can change quickly. In a sobering way, the message speaks to us as God would to a child. This lesson tries to tie the poem to a Scripture lesson and then on to more contemporary times.
- 2021/03/19 – Censorship and Freedom of Speech – What Does the Bible Say?
There has been a growing trend of censoring conservative messages. This places our First Amendment rights in jeopardy. See what the Apostle Paul has to say about censoring the truth.
- 2021/03/12 – The Eyes Have It
We live in a corrupt world and we are called by God to use our eyes to see what is going on. This study is intended to remind each of us that we have a responsibility to be good observers of what is going on around us. Yes, we are accountable for everything in this world.
- 2021/03/05 – The Roots of Hatred
After four years of poisonous hatred in our country, it is time to look at hatred from God's perspective. Is hatred acceptable? If not, what is an acceptable and alternative behavior?
- 2021/02/26 – Amos The Prophet for Adults
The Bible study called A Very Short Children's Story About Amos is the all-time favorite on With our society today seemingly hopelessly divided over serious issues, Amos's story can also give guidance to adults.
- 2021/02/19/ – The Pursuit of Happiness or Should It Be Joy?
Is the pursuit of happiness really a human right? Where is real happiness found? Can joy be had without God? We will look at what our Bible says about happiness and joy.
- 2021/02/12 – Why the Anger?
Our Savior demonstrated His love and set an example of peace, even allowing Himself to be put to death as an innocent person. Yet, two times in Scripture, He became angry enough to result in violence. What made Jesus that mad?
- 2021/02/05 – Has the World Gone Mad!
Here we look at the difficulties in our society and whether our focus has moved from God to material things. Can mankind find God when it is always looking at its social media posts?
- 2021/01/29 – It’s All About the Verbs
Scripture is filled with both facts and action words. It is the action that God calls us to. Check out a simple example of how the meaning of Micah 6:8 can be transformed by the verbs.
- 2021/01/22 – How to Be a Survivor
Today's world is definitely a mess - Survival is key. God wants us to live and make choices that build his kingdom. What can we learn from those who came before us about isolation and survival?
- 2021/01/15 – A Peek at Proverbs
Changing bad habits is a hard thing to do, even if we make it a New Year's Resolution. This study opens the door for a wonderful resource on Godly Wisdom. Take a Peek! You may like what you see.
- 2021/01/08 – Sin And Sacrifice
This study looks at what is sin, how it got started, and why it is so important to know who Jesus was and why He came to us. Also, why sacrifice is part of the process of God's grace?
- 2021/01/01 – Thanks to the Shepherds of the World
Did you ever wonder why the shepherds were part of our Christmas story? These were not ordinary shepherds. They knew the "Lamb of God" was born that day.