Why is History Important?

Our world seems to be confused on the value of history. While events, tragic events, are often remembered on their anniversary, there are many who choose to conveniently forget the paths and places we have been both personally as well as a nation that generated “history.” What we must never forget is that God Himself, gives us history as evidence of His existence. To forget anything is to deny the very existence of our God!

All that generation also were gathered to their fathers; and there arose another generation after them who did not know the LORD, nor yet the work which He had done for Israel. ~Judges 2:10

We owe much of our freedoms today to our founding fathers who were educated under a system called the “Scottish School of Common Sense.” Before our country was formed, Reverend Thomas Reid (1710 – 1796) helped establish the simple principles that were the basis for learning in our country. Rev. Reid said, that the principles of education must include these facts:

  • There is a God;
  • God placed a conscience (a moral sense) into every individual;
  • While the natural order is often attributed to God, God also established “first principles” such as law, government, education, politics, and economics, all to be discovered by “common sense;” and
  • There is no conflict between reason and revelation – both come from God and revelation fortifies and clarifies reason.

This educational process works by joining our conscience to a Holy Spirit that is our guide to discernment. Without God is liken to sailing a ship without a navigation chart. You are destined to find the shoals the hard way. And that is where history comes in. To ignore any element of learning from our past doesn’t make much sense. Our ancestor’s journeys through time are our gift from God.
To work correctly, history must never become selective. That is why the Old Testament is as relevant to us today as is the New Testament. God provides us a rich and proven history of His existence, let’s use it.

Reverend Thomas Reid (1710-1796), Professor of Moral Philosophy at the University of Glasgow

Thomas Jefferson and George Washington both learned by the standards of Rev. Reid.  Ready to join the ranks of great people? Here are some ideas.

Checklist √

Do you defend your belief that God is real?

How to you include God in your important decisions?

What is the foundation of your moral sense?

Are you hungry for discovery, looking for the evidence of God’s existence?

Can you recognize God’s providential hand at work?

How do you practice your discernment?

Is your knowledge of history being passed on to the next generation?

Free Will – The Enemy of Discernment!

God was most benevolent when He created us. We have “free will.” Can you imagine, having every moment, every action, every decision, even every thought controlled by someone else. We would all agree that if life had no freedoms, it would be a prison of the worst kind. Instead, our Creator build a Universe filled with design and order. He then created us to discover it, enjoy it and, yes, take care of it while we are here. Yet, it is free will that directs us to cast aside “common sense.” It is free will that teaches that satisfaction is gained through the pursuit of wealth and power. It the free will that fans the flames of division and war. Yet, history tells us that we overcome our world through discovery and common sense. History has shown us what is good: the act of justice, the love of mercy and humility before our God.

Your Tip: Pass on the gift of history for our own sake and salvation.