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Priorities, Priorities

Life is filled with decisions. To add to the problem, it is easy to become distracted from our goals. Just surviving in this world is a full time job. Employment, children, relationships all seem to add up to more stress and less time. We all know what the book says, “just prioritize.” I am sure that if I just could prioritize, I would have time to read the books on how to do it! Does anyone see the “Catch 22” here?

When things get rushed, there is one book that I try not to forget about. Of course you all know it is the Bible. There are many interesting places in Scripture where we can look for some help on how to handle this hectic world. Here are some I found.

One of the greatest opportunities afforded each of us is to inspire people spiritually. Each of us should consider it a great honor to know that we can influence the spiritual health of those around us. We all are called into action with regard to love and what greater love can anyone demonstrate that to show concern for the eternal well being of our families, friends, neighbors, and co-workers.

The Apostle John gives us some real insight as to how this is done. John wrote this letter in his latter years. As an old man, he had watched the mistakes others had made and wanted to set the record straight. If you want to show the love of God, if you want to show others that you love them and care about them, “don’t use words.”

“Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.” ~1 John 3:18

Simple enough, but there are some instructions too. First, we cannot talk someone into loving God, we cannot email someone the facts about loving God. We cannot look up enough information on the Internet to convince someone to love God. In fact, we cannot Tweet a message or leave it on Facebook. John simply says, be truthful, be with them, and show them the love of God through your actions. Now that should be priority one.

What can you do to love with actions and truth?.

Check List√

Can someone tell you are a Christian by observing how you live?

Do you treat others with truth and respect, no matter what their position in life may be?

Do you hold others to the same measure of truth?

When you pick people, does it matter how they live (act)?

Does the way you live your life cause others to love God more?

Would someone in need seek your help?

Do you pray for others?

Is generosity an attribute that others would use to describe how you live?

Have you left your “water jar” behind?

Balancing God with Life

In the story a Samaritan woman’s meeting with Christ, (see John 4:1-29), she is amazed by the fact that Christ knew everything about her life.  While this is often the key point of the story that is discussed, there is an interesting and inconspicuous reference to her water jar that gives us an indication of a change in her priorities.  Why does the Word of God document such a seemingly insignificant event as leaving her water jar behind?

After the Samaritan’s woman’s encounter with Christ, and her enlightening by His wisdom, she stopped doing what she was doing and went back to be with others to share her “Good News.”

In her response lies the answer to the question of balancing God’s priorities and life’s priorities.  Once we are shown who Christ is, once we are shown His love for us, it is impossible to continue our life as it was.  Our priorities change, our hearts change and we begin the process of following a life directed by Christ, instead of one directed by our own selfish nature.

Your tip, therefore, is to show others through your life, the love of God and His generosity.  Do this and He will take care of the rest.