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There’s Fine Print!

God Expects More From Those Who Teach

It is often easy to feel good about what you do for advancing God’s Kingdom. You might be involved with church committees and have contributed time to those endless meetings. Maybe you volunteered to help out at services, or fellowship dinners. Maybe you helped decorate for Christmas, thereby showing others how to celebrate the birth of Christ.

For some, their communities are the benefactors of time sharing in home building, neighborhood clean up, or feeding the hungry.  And for others, it may be feeling good about the many hours dedicated to teaching children, teens or adults about God’s Word. This TIPS is dedicated to this last group, those who share their skills and knowledge with others so that the journey we each take through life can benefit from the knowledge of God’s plans for this world.

Yes, we call this group teachers because it is through their labor, discernment, prayers and sharing that the family of God grows in maturity. It seems that for these efforts there must be some special reward? Sorry, all that is said about teaching is in the fine print.

The Apostle James in 3:1 tells us, “Not so many of you should presume to be teachers, my brother, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.” Although a sobering statement, it was not meant to discourage anyone from their efforts. Instead, it was to point out the impact that teachers have on other people.

Jesus taught that the mouth speaks from what fills the heart (Matthew 12:34). So the tongue is actually fed from the heart, the motives, the spiritual core of a person.

Be cautious of the world’s paradigm of lights, music, gifts, fellowship, feasts and the like. In it all, the wrong message can be taught. The message of Christ is about a god-child, born in utter poverty, who came to show each of us the way to eternal life. Teaching is equipping others for life’s journey, from this world to the next.

TIPS-16Churches celebrate our God and Savior on an annual cycle. This should serve to remind us that it is the same cycle for life. We begin, live and grow, mature in our faith and celebrate eternity with our God.

Check List√

Share your faith with others as well as your bounty. Use holidays as they will often gather those in your midst who are hungry for more that food.

Tell the story of hope. It may be as simple as telling others what you were like before Christ entered your life and what He has meant to your journey.

By your words, let all know who you place your faith and salvation in.

Be generous to others. As Christ so often showed us, before we can teach we must first remove hunger and pain.

The Teacher’s Most Important Tool

James tells us that the teacher’s tool is their tongue.  He uses this analogy: “Although Ships are large, and driven by strong winds, they are steered by a very small rudder wherever the pilot wants to go.”  For someone who teaches, they are held to higher standard because they have the power to set direction.

Our God calls all of us to be the rudder in our, families, church and community.  During times of  high winds, each should not hesitate to offer steady hands on the tiller.  Do not be silent.

When you step forward and set a direction for others to follow, do it with confidence.  Spend time in prayer and meditation.  Learn God’s Holy Word.  Trust that the Holy Spirit will provide guidance and counsel in all your endeavors.

The course or direction to set for others is not complex.  Our God asks us to guide the lost to Him.  He will embrace them in His love and forgiveness.  We have a good and generous God.  Our message is a joyful one.

Your tip, therefore, is to always remember: You can do all things in Him who gives you strength.