Creating Value
As a young boy, I had an old wooden guitar that was worth about $10. Many years ago, I saw an article in the newspaper about a similar guitar that had just been sold for $50,000. To me this was quite amazing, an old guitar selling for so much more than it was worth. The article went on to say that this particular guitar had been used by Elvis Presley when he was young. Value, therefore, was created simply by the hands that it passed through. Just the touch of someone famous increased the intrinsic value of an old guitar some 3,000 fold.
Life, is not unlike the story about the guitar. While God places equal value on every human life, the value I am talking about is how we come to measure and determine the value of our ministry to the Great Church at large, to our families, and to the community around us.
Whether we think about it or not, every person can affect the body of the church. The lives of each congregational member pass through many hands and that makes a difference. My question to each of you is, “Who will you hold in your hands as they travel on their faith journey?”
To have one’s life pass through the hands of Christ is to me, the beginning point for building value. To be “played” by Christ is to follow His plan for your life, to respond to his calling, to be submissive to His will, to follow His road, His way. Sounds like something any church goer would claim. However, the value does not come just from Christ but also in the lives we affect, the people who are held in our “hands,” those receiving the benefits of our faith, our service, and our experience.
Without the participation of the many volunteers to support the day-to-day activities of life itself, our world could not gain the full leverage of God’s plan. It should be viewed as a privilege to support each other, to share both bread and to share faith.
An effective faith walk requires each person to take time to reflect on their own journey. Priorities are important. How do you measure up?
Check List√
Regularly participate in the life of a church.
Attend a Bible Study to grow your knowledge of God’s Word.
Mentor young people through your wisdom and experience.
Volunteer in your community.
Take time to visit with those who are new, being open and friendly.
Be willing to be visible to your friends and neighbors even when life is tough—your example is everything.
Shepherds of the Flock
I Peter 5:2-3 tells us: “Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, serving as overseers—not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not lording t over those entrusted to you but being examples to the flock.”
There is not a lot of maneuvering room in Peter’s words. As the head of the Church, Peter shares his experience and provides real insight as to the role expected of church leaders and congregational members. Peter knew the burdens better than most. As the first head of the Church, he was faced with every kind of organizational problem that we could imagine. And the economy was not all that good either.
Notice, however, that Peter’s emphasis is placed on “being examples” not manager, administrators, not heads of groups or committees. Peter seems to be saying here that if you start to focus only on worship or studies, or programs, and miss the simple opportunities of fellowship, you missed the point. Effective evangelism begins with effective fellowship, the sharing of one’s life with the lives of others, the passing of one’s life through the hands of others.
Your tip: Get involved with the areas of your church and community that expose you and your journey to Christ.