For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.

~Mark 10:45

Lesson45-image001Materials Needed: None.

Notes to the Leader: The events that Mark documents in chapter 10 take place only a few days before Christ’s suffering and death. Therefore, we can draw from these topics that, to Christ, the things we will study today were most important. When people are leaving those they love, the things they do and say are intended to prepare their loved ones for the time when they are gone.

This study also looks at wealth and gives us a Biblical view of handling the blessings of money.


If you knew that you were going on a long trip and would be away for several months, what kind of things would you do to prepare those in your family?

  • Things you felt were important to you.
  • Things that were important to those you would be leaving behind.

Section One: Jesus and Our Home Life


Have someone in your group read Mark 10:1-12: Also read Deuteronomy 24:1 to your group.

Is Christ ignoring the law of Moses by re-defining the law given to the Jews?

  • No. Christ was pointing out that the Pharisees had redefined the term “indecent” to liberalize divorce. Christ pointed out that in God’s eyes, man was to be married for life and that Moses provided this concession so that people could cope with their sinful hard-hearted rejection of God’s original design for marriage. Moses was trying to protect the rejected wives and the help curb the misuse of divorce on the part of husbands.

What can we learn from this example when dealing with difficult moral and scriptural issues?

  • Christ went right to God’s word to define his position. Social, cultural, logical, and other human forms of interpretive knowledge did not influence His conclusions.
  • Christ passed over the statement by Moses and went to a prior level of interpretation, God’s intent for marriage. We can learn from Christ’s example that if we find ourselves embroiled in an interpretive issue, look backwards toward the origin of God’s position.

Have someone in your group read Mark 10:13-16.

The disciples obviously felt that time spent with little children was wasted time for Christ. Christ, however, knew that it was the character of the child that each Christian must have to gain entrance to the kingdom of God.

Can you list some of these characteristics discussed above?

  • Humility
  • Obedience. Although a child often is disobedient, their natural instinct is to obey. Pride and independence have usually not yet been learned.
  • Trust
  • In a child’s acceptance of authority; and
  • Confidence in other people.
  • A short memory. This is the real key to forgiveness.

Section Two: Wealth

Have someone in your group read Mark 10:17-22.

An eager man, hungry for the inheritance of eternal life. He had led an admirable life, knowledge of the 10 commandments, honest, good to his parents, and always told the truth. Why would his wealth keep him from what he wanted most, eternal life?

  • (v17 & v20) He used “good” in addressing Christ as flattery instead of the recognition that Christ is God. His wealth kept him from that key acknowledgement of who Christ really is.
  • He came to Christ overflowing with emotion, with a personal fascination over the person of Christ. Can you think of a modern day application of is important lesson?
  • Too often we are attracted to a church, minister, evangelist, Christian friend, etc. because of the talent and forget that all matters not except for our recognition of God and His authority. It is God who provides the talent and the opportunity to hold their respective duties.
  • He couldn’t pass Christ’s test. Christ knew the nature of his heart and when challenged to refocus, the man failed.

Have someone in your group read Mark 10:23-31.

Christ was not against wealth or the wealthy. However, He knew that wealth was a difficult barrier to cross in pursuit of the kingdom of heaven. What are the problems with wealth?

  • Material possessions tend to fix a man’s heart in this world.
  • If one’s main interest is in material possession, then one tends to think of things in terms of price not value.
  • If you have everything you want, there is no reason to seek what Christ has to offer.
  • Christ would have defined material possessions as follows:
  • The acid test of a man. For every hundred men that can withstand adversity, only one can withstand wealth.
  • Wealth is a responsibility.

Taken from: The Daily Bible Study, William Barclay, The Westminster Press, Pg. 247

What did Christ tell the disciples concerning those who gave up their homes and wealth for Him?

  • No one ever gave up anything for the sake of Him without getting it back a hundredfold.
  • The reward was not necessarily material things for material things.
  • God is the final judge of our value and our value of ourselves and others is of no value.

Section Three: Jesus and the Human in Him

Have someone in your group read Mark 10:32-34.

In these verses Christ’s character shows through. Look at the verses and try to see who Christ was and what he was feeling?

  • He was lonely. (Christ was separated from the crowd, partially due to the fear each disciple had of the pending tragedy)
  • He was courageous. (3 times Christ foretold of things to come, Mark 8:31, Mark 9:331, Mark 10:32)
  • He had a strong sense of personal magnetism. The disciples knew he was the Messiah, knew now he would die, were completely bewildered but continued to follow him.

Have someone in your group read Mark 10:35-45.

What can you tell from these verses about:

The disciples?

  • They were ambitious.

The disciple’s understanding of Christ at this point?

  • Still didn’t understand Christ.

The disciple’s belief in Christ?

  • This was as strong as ever. Even in a bewildered state, they believed in Christ and followed him.

Can you draw a corollary for your own lives from this example?

  • We will not always have the clear understanding of Christ we seek. However, Christ seeks those who remain strong in faith and follow him anyway. It is service and sacrifice not understanding and knowledge that lead the way to the kingdom of God.

Have someone in your group read Mark 10:46-52.

While Christ healed many people, in the restoration of Bartimaeus’ sight, Christ gives us a pattern for all who seek a miracle to follow. Look at the specific verses noted and see if you can find the key steps we are to follow?

  • (v48) Ignore the others around you who tell you not to continue your pursuit of your request of Christ. Christ responds to sincere appeals and determination.
  • (v51) Bartimaeus’ request was clear and specific.
  • (v52) Miracles are granted through God’s grace by faith and by following Christ. Bartimaeus believed.

Bible Truth Being Taught

Jesus came as a servant of mankind, not a ruler.

Our Response

To be reminded that Jesus came to serve others and that He calls His followers to meet the spiritual, physical, domestic, social, and other needs of the people around us.