A Convenient Truth

No, I did not get the title wrong. Unlike the infamous book entitled, “An Inconvenient Truth,” I meant to say convenient. Each of us is not aware that our society is playing a very destructive game with us, using only those facts that support their opinion to support their opinion. Let me explain.

A notable person writes a book, not based on facts but an opinion that a certain fact is true. So the next person who likes to think that fact is true, references the book supporting that opinion. The cycle continues until generations later, no one questions the false opinion.

This is bad because we loose sight of the truth and without truth, we lose sight of God. So how should a person protect themselves against the use of “Convenient Truths” meant to deceive? There is only one way to do this and that is to take responsibility for validating the facts you use to form your beliefs. Many of the things we believe in are experiential. Some are based on the misinformation of our society, perpetuated by using a convenient truth. With respect to history, we are told to go as far back to the source of the information as we can. Research, reread, study and then form our own opinion. God supports this too. The Apostle Paul, in his letter to Timothy, points out that it is Scripture itself that should be used to teach, correct and train both ourselves as well as others. Why? Because it is God’s own words, that are the original commands.

“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness” ~2 Timothy 3:16

When you discover the Bible for yourself, when you commit to regular worship, study and discussion with your peers, you guard yourself against forming opinions that have been based on someone else’s idea of a convenient truth. Why do this? Because only the real truth within Scripture saves us.

TIPS-29God is real. God’s truth has been given to us within our Scriptures.

Check List√

Do you have a working knowledge of the content of the Bible?

When you hear an opinion , how do you validate it?

Do you regularly discuss the Scriptures, your pastoral messages and/or readings with others ?

Do you read outside materials from known trusted authors?

How would you test whether the point made in this newsletter is true?

When you share your faith experiences, they impact others—are your experiences based on God’s Truth and justice?

People will die for the truth—would you die for God’s Truth?

You Are Not Alone

Paul stated that God’s plan had been “revealed by the Spirit to His holy apostles and prophets” (Ephesians 3:5), and that his own teachings were inspired by the Spirit (1 Corinthians 2:13)

Jesus Christ told His followers that the Holy Spirit, which the Father would send to them, “will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you” (John 14:26).

It is through God’s Spirit within us that we can gain a truthful understanding and insight. (1 Corinthians 2:11, 12).

Each of us must pursue our own truth and not assume the convenient truth’s of others.  Those others may very well be speaking the truth but take responsibility yourself and use God’s Word guided by God’s Spirit to make sure you know the Truth. And once you are sure of the truth, share it with others.

Your tip, therefore, is to worship regularly, read the Bible and study the Bible. Few people have ever read Scripture on a regular basis and not emerged a new person, empowered by God’s Truth, making a difference in this world.