The Factoid Syndrome
There is a great misunderstanding about the Great Commission, the call to share one’s faith with others. The misunderstanding comes from a belief that Biblical knowledge is somehow a prerequisite to becoming an effective voice for God. “I never say the right thing at the right time,” or “If I know the Bible better, I could be more productive at evangelism.” These are often the positions taken by those who do not understand the true burden of one’s intellect with respect to the Christian faith.
A saving faith does not come from knowledge. No amount of Biblical knowledge can replace the strength of a “child-like” faith in Christ. To help with this point, consider the two men crucified with Christ. One man was assured his place in the eternal presence of God by two simple acts: he acknowledged Christ for who He was; and was repentant for his life of sin. This man’s saving faith was formed by his knowledge of Christ, not of Scriptures. Mocking Christ, the other criminal challenged Christ to prove He was God by saving all of them.
Nowhere in this documented act of salvation was there a necessity for prior Biblical knowledge. If Biblical knowledge, therefore, is not for the benefit of the lost, then who is it for? Could the Bible be for the benefit of the saved? Knowledge of the Bible is necessary to focus one’s priorities of life. In doing so, the very act of sharing one’s faith becomes as natural as taking a breath.
Each of us must continue to grow in the Word of God but not for more knowledge. God’s Word allows God to work in our lives, to change our priorities and to teach us about Christ. When people spend time in Scriptures, lives change and changed lives get noticed. People begin to understand that faith in Christ is much more than a warm feeling, much more than an intellectual understanding of history. The people around us begin to see a little bit of Christ in us. Show people Christ and you have effective evangelism.
To make a difference, each of us must step out and become a visible example of our families and communities. The Word of God represents the strongest option for equipping everyone for the task. If we bring others to God, He has promised to do the rest.
Check List√
Bring a Bible to church every Sunday.
Be a regular attendee at Bible studies both on Sunday and during the week.
Volunteer to lead a Bible Study for either children or adults.
Read supplemental study materials to expand your understanding of Scripture.
Truly believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, given to us as our guide for this world.
Progressing In the Word
In the Apostle Paul’s letter to Timothy, he writes some of the direct instruction with regard to the Word of God. If you are a church officer , these should be especially meaningful to you. However, Paul’s words are for everyone.
In 1 Timothy 4:13-16, Paul states, “Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching and to teaching. Do not neglect your gift, which was given to you through prophetic message when the body of elders laid their hands on you. Be diligent in these matters; give yourself wholly to them, so that everyone may see your progress. Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers.”
Paul’s message goes right to the point. Public Reading means that it is not enough to sit at home or in the evening and read your Bible. God expects more. Paul knew that the ability to teach the true doctrine of Christ is formed upon a foundation of continued growth in the Word of God. Paul states further that even evangelism is dependent upon one’s public reading (and teaching) of Scripture.
Your tip: Attend a Bible Study regularly and find time to read your Bible.