Separation & Sacrifice

It is difficult to imagine what Adam and Eve must have felt like right after Applegate. One minute, basking in the glory of paradise and the next, separated from God. Genesis 3:6 marks the black day for all mankind, Adam and Eve cowering in shame. Yet, only a few verses later, God moved quickly to establish one of the most fundamental components of our relationship with Him, Sacrifice. Read Genesis 3:8-11 carefully. You will notice one amazing little fact.

“The LORD God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them” ~Genesis 3:21

Adam and Eve were hiding from God, or trying to. They were “ashamed of their nakedness.” Yet it was God who moved to clothe them in garments made of animal skins. These were history’s first sacrifices: the first intimation in Scripture that the effects of sin could be reversed by te death of a substitute. On the basis of that sacrifice, Adam and Eve were again able to fellowship with their God. The valley of separation was bridged, at least temporarily.

The garment in Scripture is a symbol of righteousness symbolizing the basic provision of God’s salvation by grace through faith in Christ. This concept is consistently supported (see Isaiah 64:6; I Corinthians 1:30; Revelation 19:8). Through sacrifice, we who are separated from God, re-establish fellowship with our God. This simple and consistent biblical theme is the basis for stewardship.

While the details of the actual sacrifice are not given to us, Scripture lets us conclude some interesting points. God moved quickly, without hesitation because separation from Him is dangerous. God did not wait until the end of the month to see if the herd was big enough to spare a couple of animals. God did not sacrifice because He needed anything. God sacrificed because we need everything. God sacrificed out of His love for Adam and Eve. God sacrificed His Son out of His love for us.

TIPS-19Stewardship to our church and community are important .

Check List√

Are you comfortable with giving to a church, to charities, to others in need?

Do you give of your time, talent, treasure and testimony from your “first fruits” or from “left overs?”

When others see you, do they see a generous person, who’s faith is in Christ?

Is your generosity sacrificial?

Do you view your generosity as a key component of your relationship with God?

Are you trying to hide from your God?

Why do People Try to Hide from God?

Hiding from God takes many forms.  One can ignore God and insist He does not exist.  Some may choose to define God as something He is not, ignoring what our Scriptures have given us.  There are those who are so busy that God never really gets moved up on the priority list.  Work, family, making money, even health issues can detract us from our relationship with God.

What Adam and Eve wanted was “knowledge” or power.  That is what the serpent promised them.  Yet all our God wants is our love.  God asks us to leave enough time in our life so that He can have a caring and loving relationship with each of us personally.

Humans are hard to convince.  That is why our God sent His Son to us.  Christ not only provided us a living example of our God’s character but provided us examples of how to live.  On the cross, Christ removed our fears and brought us into fellowship with our God.

Your tip, therefore, is to always remember that the garment of choice should be the skin of the Lamb, for He is clean and White and the Garment of our Salvation.