In the context of biblical teachings, God expects nations to follow His truth, exhibit behaviors that reflect His commandments, and adhere to His principles. If we could agree on a list of the top five such behaviors, what would they be?

Justice would be the number one behavior for any godly nation to exhibit. This means that the laws and systems within the nation are fair and equitable, protecting the rights of all individuals, especially the marginalized and vulnerable. The idea of a multi-tiered justice system would not exist. Please remember the following statement: It is important to treat all people fairly, regardless of their wealth, race, political affiliations, or religious beliefs, which is essential for building a just and equitable society.”

(Isaiah 1:17)1NIV New International Version Translations – “Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.”

Living in a compassionate society should also be a top priority, involving kindness, empathy, and care for the poor, sick, and those in need. This virtue should be evident not only among the population but also within the government. Essentially, it means prioritizing the well-being of the nation’s citizens.

(Colossians 3:12) – “Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.”

Maybe the hardest behavior to sustain in any society is one of morality. Leaders and citizens alike are called to live moral lives, making decisions that honor God and reflect His character. God calls this righteousness.

(Matthew 5:6) – “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.”

The idea that both the citizens of a nation and its government officials should recognize that authority and power come from God is essential. This recognition is known as humility. A nation should prioritize demonstrating a sense of service rather than self-interest. This is especially important for a nation’s leaders to guide a nation to God, not away from God’s Truth.

(Micah 6:8) – “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”

On a national level, the “fear of the Lord,” encompasses a shared reverence and honor for God’s authority and teachings. It’s not about being afraid of God, but rather recognizing His sovereignty and aligning the nation’s laws, policies, and actions with His will. A nation fearing God would craft laws with moral and ethical considerations that reflect God’s character, promoting justice and righteousness. Leaders would govern with integrity, accountability, and a servant’s heart, understanding that they are ultimately answerable to a higher authority. A nation would actively work against corruption, inequality, and oppression, seeking to protect and uplift the vulnerable and marginalized at all levels of society. A society would encourage virtues such as honesty, generosity, and compassion, discouraging behaviors that are contrary to these values. Finally, a nation under God would engage with other countries in a manner that promotes peace, mutual respect, and the common good, rather than exploitation or conflict. In essence, the fear of the Lord would guide a nation to pursue policies and actions that honor God and reflect His love and justice in the world.

(Psalm 111:10) – “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow his precepts have good understanding. To him belongs eternal praise.”

The five behaviors, Justice, Compassion, Righteousness, Humility, and Fear of the Lord were not only relevant for ancient times but remain foundational for modern nations seeking to follow God’s Truth. Your choices count! As our country moves towards its national elections, choose wisely.


  • What is going on in our nation now?
    • Ideas to Explore: Do you think we are borrowing too little? Do you think we may be on the verge of a world war? Is our society’s morality crumbling? What are your issues?
  • Is there hope for our nation if the news is biased, polls are biased, and the justice system is biased?
    • Ideas to Explore: Can our nation and society survive without truth?
  • Are you concerned about debt?
    • Ideas to Explore: Do you worry about the collapse of our financial system? Can you afford food, housing, and health costs?
  • Do you think you can still make a difference in our world?
    • Ideas to Explore: This is hard for all of us. However, if we cannot make a difference, do you believe God can?
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    NIV New International Version Translations